アナログレコード人気復活 限定盤と低価格プレイヤーが牽引 CDの3~7倍の情報量で音質がよいハイレゾは、対応プレイヤーが続々登場し音源配信も翻訳 - アナログレコード人気復活 限定盤と低価格プレイヤーが牽引 CDの3~7倍の情報量で音質がよいハイレゾは、対応プレイヤーが続々登場し音源配信も英語言う方法

アナログレコード人気復活 限定盤と低価格プレイヤーが牽引 CDの3~7

アナログレコード人気復活 限定盤と低価格プレイヤーが牽引

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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Driven by low price player and analog records popular rebirth limited edition CD 3-7 times the amount of information a good quality hi res is a capable players appeared one after another and the spread in many genres including pop songs sound as well as featured on the market. On the other hand, and revived the popularity of vinyl records, in August last year HMV Shibuya opened shop. Analog disk production quantity and hit bottom in 2009, increased after that. In 2012, the Beatles analog dial BOX released for next year has decreased, but by 2014 year 166% recorded
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Analog record popular revival Limited Edition and low price player tow high-resolution sound quality is good at 3-7 times the amount of information of the CD, but attention of market corresponding player spread to many genres such as one after another appeared sound source delivery also popular song. On the other hand, revived the popularity of analog records, the last year in August opened a specialty shop in Shibuya HMV. Looking at the analog disk production volume bottomed out in 2009, thereafter increased. 2012 to have been reduced next year because it is analog board BOX launch of the Beatles, the 2014 was recorded a 166% year-on-year

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Popular revival limited edition and the analog record player too low price of CD three to seven times the amount of information corresponding to the high resolution, good quality of market players continue to appear in the song, the genre that multiple sound source. On the other hand, the resurgent popularity record opened a shop in Shibuya HMV in August last year. In the analog quantity and the disk production in 2009, after bottoming out. The Beatles in analogue BOX released next year for the reduction of theRecord of 166 percent from the previous year.
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