クオンツ運用は、高度な数学的テクニックを駆使し、マーケット(株式、債券、為替、金利、コモディティ)や経済情勢などのデータをコンピュータで分析翻訳 - クオンツ運用は、高度な数学的テクニックを駆使し、マーケット(株式、債券、為替、金利、コモディティ)や経済情勢などのデータをコンピュータで分析英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Quantitative management and using advanced mathematical techniques, means of investment style to operate according to market stocks, bonds, foreign exchange, interest rates, commodities and economic data analysis computer, made mathematical models. This refers to the operation, such as moving the portfolio based on program operation based on a quantitative analysis, usually in the computer and handle large amounts of data, and predetermined,Is also popularly known as system operation. Incidentally, its name comes from the word Quantitative (quantitative, quantitative), also, or analyze the market, using advanced mathematical techniques and mathematical models and quantitative investment strategies and financial instruments to devise and develop or, or that its experts said.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Make full use of sophisticated mathematical techniques, quantitative operational and investment style to operate was made by analyzing computer data, such as economic conditions (stocks, bonds, foreign exchange, interest rates, commodities) market and in accordance with the "mathematical model" I say that. It is operated based on analysis quantitative, this can typically handle large amounts of data in a computer, refers to operation such as moving the portfolio based on programs previously determined, it is called a "System Operation" commonly I is also. By the way, the quants, using advanced mathematical models and mathematical techniques, you can analyze the market, and financial products and investment strategies that name also comes from the word "(quantitative, quantitative) Quantitative" and be or devised, developed, or it refers to the expert.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The quantitative management, making full use of advanced mathematical techniques, Marquette (stocks, bonds, foreign exchange, commodities, interest rates, "mathematical model" which is made by computer analysis and economic data of operating in accordance with the investment style. This is the normal operation based on the quantitative analysis on the computer to process a large amount of data, so as to move the portfolio on the basis of a predetermined program to useIt is sometimes called the "system" in the world. By the way, 'the name Quantitative (quantitative, quantitative and come from the word, and the quantitative mathematical methods and mathematical models, the advanced Marquette, analyzed and devised and developed financial instruments and investment strategy, or that expert. At
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