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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Invisible mountains, and aobadai Hirta, bonito ""Refreshing" season in Japan of the season, such as the clause you sincerely welcoming pleasureExpresses, honest as the "great design" and I seemed.Japan summer are steaming hot discomfort index's 100%.In 1945, GI occupiers 'warriors 'also gave in to this heat.So they are not Flash "at Karuizawa summer" that have developed.Press Conference by the author the other day but he is conscious "Summer Olympics"Explanation of the events.Various checkered rectangle shape is "now in the world battle for more intensified by the social conditions in the racial differences survived"Had touched on the concept. Racial differences "white black" but not also sheathed in squares, he compete equally, rectangle, also "AI WA" and contact being rubbed out of corners, round. That indeed "Japanesque" and a sensibility soWas impressed.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Aoba to eye, mountain cuckoo, first Gatsuo " such as those in this clause, can pick up from the bottom of my heart the customers season of Japan" refreshing "joy of the season and as to express, honestly a" great design "I seemed. summer in Japan is hot steamed "discomfort index" is a 100%. "The strong us" of the occupation forces of the GI in 1945 was also surrender in this heat. So they have a story that has developed a Flash without "summer in Karuizawa". Also at the press conference by the other day of the copyright owner, he was aware of the "Summer Olympics" was also the description of the circumstances. "Among the many conflict is intensifying social conditions now around the world, overcame the differences of race" square also various forms of the checkered pattern that had also touched on the concept. Rather than the difference in the race "white is black", also points paid to the square, he treats equally, squares compete, also "Aiwa" and petting, 0.00 with each other rubbing corner rounded .. . so to truly "Japanesque" a Senshibyiti that was impressed.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
In the mountains, greenery, bonito of cuckoo.As shown in this sentence. Can you fresh, seasonal delight customers by heart in season in JapanThe expression, and I think that great design.Japanese steamed hot in summer "discomfort" 100%.In GI occupation forces "tsuwamono" in this heat.There is an anecdote that they developed a summer shrewdly. "In Japan.But a recent press conference by the author, which he is aware of the summer Olympic Games.The details were described.Many of the social conditions in the world ", now in various square checkered form," and to overcome racial differencesThere are also mentioned. The racial differences in white, black, not the square, he was equal to the contact for the square sum, AI, indeed. センシビィティ Japanesque. And that I was so round and rubbing angleI was moved.
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