不安全状態をなくす 〔 もの(設備)に対する対策 〕― 墜落・転落が起こらないものにする ―開口部をふさぎ、作業に当たっては、開口部に防護柵翻訳 - 不安全状態をなくす 〔 もの(設備)に対する対策 〕― 墜落・転落が起こらないものにする ―開口部をふさぎ、作業に当たっては、開口部に防護柵英語言う方法

不安全状態をなくす 〔 もの(設備)に対する対策 〕― 墜落・転落が起

不安全状態をなくす 〔 もの(設備)に対する対策 〕
― 墜落・転落が起こらないものにする ―
不安全行動をなくす 〔 「管理・作業方法」・「人」に対する対策 〕
a 管理・作業方法の対策
b 人の対策
安全最優先の作業をする (自分の身は、自分で守る)
②作業手順を理解して、守る (高所作業での手抜きは危険)
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Eliminate the unsafe condition [against those (facilities).--To happen falls from a height —Block the openings, working openings placed fences, etc.Working floors and walkways at the flat, non-slip, and then creates a railing or fence aroundEstablished safety zone-related equipment installation of fences is difficult to use the safety belt, set up nets.Height and depth is 1. elevation to a place more than 5 m is set, can move up and down safelyKeep, tidy, and ensure the appropriate light do work around theGet rid of unsafe behavior [measures for the management and working methods and people]a management and working methods ofTo clarify the work methods and work proceduresPredetermined working methods and procedures to educate and to inform the workers( in age, experience, qualifications, skills, health care ) proper placement of workers in mindThe work of the conductor, and appointed commander of Chief ofTo conduct workplace inspections and ordered the check(High risk level work to take emergency measures to work interruptions on the)Keep, tidy, and ensure the appropriate light do work around theanti-b people(Yourself, protect yourself) to safety top priority tasksAnd wear suitable protective equipment (safety caps, safety belt, mask etc.) properly, use theTo avoid the crash and tumble disasterDisaster prevention practice(1) absolutely no unreasonable or selfish behavior"Absolutely does not hurt, not' awareness(B) feel the danger and increase the sensitivity(C) not to compromise to ensure the safety of theAttitude of the crash and fall accident prevention(A) ensuring the safe passage and the work floor is conclusive evidence of the disaster prevention(2) understand how to work with the (dangerous cutting corners at work at height) defending(3) where work is organized and tidy
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Eliminate the unsafe state [measures against mono (equipment)]
- to those that do not occur crash-fall -
to block the opening, upon the work, providing a protective fence, etc. in the opening
work floor and passage, not slip in flat is way, handrail and providing an enclosure around
if it is difficult to set up such as fences, is provided with a safety belt-related equipment, and whether to use the safety belt, providing a Bo-mo
height and depth is more than 1.5m lifting to the location, providing a safe and lifting equipment capable
around to do the work, to ensure proper illumination, strive to organize and tidy
eliminate the unsafe behavior [measures for the "management and working methods", "people"]
measures of a management and work methods
to clarify the working methods and work procedure
the working methods and work procedure was determined to educate, disseminate to the worker
proper placement (age of the worker, experience, qualifications, ability, health state and strive to the consideration to)
appointed conductor of the work (the Chief), working under the supervision
is carried out patrols of the workplace, for confirmation of that you have instructed
a high (risk level work on a work interruption, emergency measures the take)
is around to do the work, and to ensure proper illumination, strive to organize and tidy
b's measures
(himself to the work of safety top priority, protect yourself)
appropriate protective equipment (safety hat, properly wear a safety belt, mask, etc.), used
to prevent the crash-fall accidents
mind of disaster prevention
does not take a ① absolutely unreasonable behavior and self-centered behavior
"does not hurt to absolute, it is not allowed to" consciousness
② increase the risk the danger and feel susceptible
to ③ ensure safety, uncompromising
mind of the crash-fall accident prevention
ensure the work floor and ① safe passage decisive factor of disaster prevention
to understand the ② work steps to protect it (high place is shoddy at work risk)
location ③ doing the work, always organize and tidy
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
To eliminate the unsafe state (equipment) that does not fall 〕
― measures to stop - at the opening, when working, and working floor passage opening is provided with a protective fence, so as not to slip, a flat the difficulty of installation of a protective fence, railing, fence is provided when the safety belt is provided with the related equipment, use safety belts, the lift to the location at which the height and depth to provide a protective net, and the periphery 1.5 over work safety equipment can be provided to the elevatorEnsure appropriate illumination, to eliminate unsafe behavior is to aim at the work arrangement, order management method "and" man "for a set of measures to 〕
management and working method and working procedure control method at the work procedure and work method in education, work optimal placement of workers at a known to the workers, to consider the ability of health status, age, experience, qualifications, to aim at work), the conductor (chief), appointed to work under the direction of the field work, inspection is carried out to confirm thatThe high level of risk, including work around to take emergency measures on the work of the task, and ensure proper illumination arrangement, order of safety measures at the top priority task of B (try to protect yourself in the appropriate personal protective equipment, including himself, security safety belt, hat and mask, etc.) to correctly, not to hurt
「 absolutely not to prevent the use of fall accidents of disaster prevention is impossible absolutely committed to
① self-centered behavior, consciousness and behavior. 'The security of the safety
③ to feel whether the risk perception and risk does not compromise safety
① point of fall accidents and prevention of disaster prevention to ensure the working floor
② key working procedure, saving in the work place )
③ negligence dangerous work the arrangement, order
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