これからは人間自身の持つ、知力と創造力が勝負を決する時代だ。生命哲理を持っている人生がどれほど強いか。勇敢なる強心がある限り、知恵は尽きる事翻訳 - これからは人間自身の持つ、知力と創造力が勝負を決する時代だ。生命哲理を持っている人生がどれほど強いか。勇敢なる強心がある限り、知恵は尽きる事英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
It's the age, intelligence and creativity to finish the battle with the man himself from this. How strong is a life philosophy? Never as long as cardiotonic a brave, wisdom is exhausted. Is honesty in treasure. It is not a solution. Order, order No. Move the person is sincere. When looked at in the long run, surely win sincere people. And Makoto in my mind, at least change the situation if no one cannot take away people. Depends upon how real human beings who has what in their mind. It's always 善心 to that person's reality to win, we can demonstrate the infinite wisdom and power. Things continue to move forward is all that.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
From now on with the man himself, it's a time when intelligence and creativity is attain the game. Or no matter how strong life to have a life philosophy. As long as there is a brave inotropic, it has never run out wisdom. Honesty is what is treasure. Not a plan. Even in the instruction, it is not a word of command. Honesty is what moves the people. When viewed in the long run it is won is always sincere people. And even about to change if the situation is, Makoto of my breast, no one who also does not take away. True greatness of human beings depends on whether have what it takes to its heart. that person what always be virtue, to win the reality, he able to demonstrate the wisdom and power unlimited. All of which is to continue to move forward.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
From now on, one of its own, decide a contest period, creativity and intelligence. That the life and life philosophy have how strong. As long as there is no cardiac brave it out. Honesty is a treasure. No plan. The command is not a command. How to win friends and influence people is sincere. Look at the long time, the honest man. How to change the situation, Japan's Makoto ,'t kill anyone. Wei of human true depends on what you have in mind?It always brings out the win, unless it can demonstrate the wisdom and power. All things keep moving forward. At
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