For invoices of the applicant, Inc. Yuyama Works like projects I We would like to thank you for your congratulations Dear Sir Kisho increasingly your continued support of Mori Seiki. Well, one of the projects that we have your request to Kisho, applicant respect invoice Yuyama Works like projects, Inc., because there is hope matters, we will contact you. In the past, but had gotten to create an invoice in the Firm (Patorio patent office) addressed to, in the future, Yuyama, Inc. mailing of invoices Works (YUYAMA MFG. CO., LTD.) As and the top, you please send along with the report documents until the Firm as, thank you. Sorry to trouble you, but, you please support us, thank you. It should be noted that, when there are such as any questions, please contact us. Also, sorry to trouble you, but, if you have received this letter, thank you to acknowledge receipt by return fax. Yours truly