投資家は,タイやインドネシア、フィリピンから22億ドル(約2170億円)の資金を引き揚げた。経済成長が鈍化しつつある兆しに加え、投資家の高リ翻訳 - 投資家は,タイやインドネシア、フィリピンから22億ドル(約2170億円)の資金を引き揚げた。経済成長が鈍化しつつある兆しに加え、投資家の高リ英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Investors withdrew funds $ 2.2 billion (about 217 billion yen) and Indonesia
Thailand, the Philippines.
That, in addition to signs that economic growth is being slowed, financial authorities in the United States is preparing for the reduction of the bond purchase program, which has prompted the high-risk asset buying investors are affected.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
The investors,
$2170億 22億 funds repatriated from Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines.
That the financial authorities of the United States are gearing up for the reduction of the bond purchase program has been encouraging the investors buy high risk assets, in addition to signs economic growth is slowing affect.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The investor left the fund of 2,200 million dollars (about 217 billion yen) from ,
Thailand and Indonesia, the Philippines.
As well as the sign that economic growth is slowing down, it influences it that American financial authorities push forward preparations for the reduction of the bond purchase program that promoted the high risk asset buying of the investor.
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