A cage (not escape their brainwashing: do A MK 4) method of
■ rescue escape from yourself to make sure that
★ brainwashing situations in mind control checklist. Make sure the damage situation of the
★ victims. To create a
★ rescue plan. And more than 10 times the content to learn to read. The military and police
★ dress GPS radio and radar, etc. too machine electric appliances, radio waves. Not wearing the electric appliances when on duty. At the light to move easily. AtOne of the bodyguards officer shoes off to discharge a walkman or radio wave from the ear in different stimulation to brainwashing from each treatment was carried out at all, and the measure to guard against the same at all will become worthless in both male and female hair short the hair style I recommend you to take measures in several different ways. At the order is not on the ear hearing aid, etc. can be easily identified. And at the.Please note that the portable telephone and radio have the power to turn off the internal battery. About mind control at the discharge to take off socks or shoes, so at ease when attacking barefoot. You need to handle at the transmitter of the
★ portable transmitter corresponding to understand something. Like a badge of PC at the think and feel of bug form and the form of the transmitter is directly attached to the type of the transmitter of the wireless telephone is very strong. AtIPad car digital TV terrestrial and headphones, ear phone, handset with a powerful call to microwave and mobile phone ring at the car at the top of the wig in particular object. Chairman and President, including (such as a hearing aid at the watch at the shoes. With the transmitter. Look at all the brainwashing device not found at the hearing aid can wiretap discovery. It is difficult to remove the fact was that the explanation to the hearing aid in the appearance of it at all. AtGo out and memory is erased at radio and hearing aid but not permanently at the strong brainwashing in VIP becomes large at the incident immediately and have strong please remove brainwashing is offset against near ears and hard carbon heater otherwise, you will get the treatment at the
★ supporters think that man at the head of the rescue, rescue workers when brainwashed for supporters to one another. Don't come within the reach of the waves.Mobile phone, a radius of 15 wireless handset with a fixed loop in 200 m radius. The distance of 200 m or more. The supporter when rescue is likely to fail for fire alarm bells ringing. Mind you can control the alarm bell. Are evacuation and escape together. There is a possibility to brainwash and security guards at the police before
★ rescue. From their brainwashing. It is necessary to go out from the building at the time. AtThe interpreter and Secretary Staff and when stylist is a terrorist. To guard you need as well. The estimation of the Japanese Imperial Guard by foreign spy and was almost. The building to confirm the position of the breaker. When the circuit breaker is in the building. It can cut off the power in every room. Graduate, or on the roof at the antenna for brainwashing (base station) when the antenna is to cut off the path of sending electricity can weaken a brainwashing. TooMissed a wig to 10 years of brainwashing, American actress in get off at Katsura tree ornaments and if found, as much as possible victims. Most people are at their narration and it is not. Please note. To take charge of the brainwashing and thought wiretap phone will take strong resistance when the victim, such as a cellular phone. At the time to, such as a cellular phone, for brainwashing is released. At some situation, it is necessary to take it by force. AtThat person. It is the shape of a hearing aid to other mobile phones too. At the subjects you hear. Have also removed at the hearing aid. To get at the victim just put on my shoes. Have to be possible with at the transmitter. To cancel the radio wave in the far infrared rays. The carbon heater is fairly effective means. I want to have you at one.In the upcoming attack when the pain is greatly reduced. Mobile phone transmitter or too warm up in the microwave oven. Destroy the electromagnetic wave of the microwave oven, such as a cellular phone. Stop at the microwave from mobile phone. To release the mind control. At the subsequent washes the hands in water. To the inside of the body is discharged to the microwave. At the further released mind control. At his brainwashed. TooThe heater is a device to recover the strongest brainwashing. Strong far infrared radiation emitted by the far infrared heater. The strong far infrared (, mind control HAARP ECHELON effect has returned to normal. It is at the top of the method. Please use it to all the people. At the most effective. When
★ rescue rescue at the time, the car and the car is used as the antenna. Of course, you may not have cell phones and radios. AtI will stay in the shoes of rubber body by radio waves. When the action. So you can take off my shoes, and is discharged to the ground. Brain electric waves received from the foot to the ground through the discharge. The theory is the same at the thunder. Swimming in the pool to get rescued victims after
★ reduces at the brainwashing. It is important that at swimming. A swimming pool is too tired. At the tired and have to catch a cold. The infection is due to overwork. AtMild swimming is recommended. Please note the rough surface. You need both at the swimming pool every day. Please be careful not to over at work. It is important at this. To the ears and eyes, well cleaning. Mind control is released at this perfect. The mind control can not be good if not treated at the cleaning. You can see the silicon powder and the use of X-rays for military binoculars. TooIt is necessary that the earplug radio is not available. More measures to do so as not to brainwash them yourself. To help the person at the front so that the number of victims. After the rescue
★ handling change at their meals and bedroom. Get to another building. From the people who don't take food and drink. Don't go on a mobile phone. In the treatment of mind control in the swimming pool at the brainwashing of 90% or more. AtThe most effective means. 1 day is effective in approximately 10 minutes. The estimation of the hard training is in disadvantage. If you swim at the health and safety management on his own responsibility. II. At the bedroom to weaken the brainwashing on rural migrants. At the weak radio wave in the relationship between the stress is greatly reduced. It is one of the Japanese mind control effectively. The bedroom uses as a blind curtain. There are many who at the gap. AtA little wind and wave passing through the gap. At is effective in preventing the brainwashing. At bedtime, can significantly reduce the microwave at the sofa bed. It is to reduce the evening meal can significantly weaker at around at the brainwashing for the need of the energy of the body is important one in the room to brainwash people because you brainwashed while sleeping at attention as well. And if at abroadDuring the day, it is better to move to Japan in a ship or aircraft. There is a high possibility to be brainwashed and sleeping. Japan tends to be safe for the weak radio wave. Please complete the work in a day. At the erased memory sleeping while the operator. The next day, I don't remember the work. The MIX too high frequency generator, such as radio waves to cancel the far infrared radiation. The carbon heater is fairly effective means. I want to be at one of the possession.In the upcoming attack when the pain is greatly reduced. Well mind control and drug treatment is effective. It is swimming. Swimming helps at the mental stability.