諫早「開門派49人に1日1万円」国に命令 佐賀地裁朝日新聞 - ‎32 分前‎  国営諫早湾干拓事業(長崎県)で、開門派の漁業者らが国に開門翻訳 - 諫早「開門派49人に1日1万円」国に命令 佐賀地裁朝日新聞 - ‎32 分前‎  国営諫早湾干拓事業(長崎県)で、開門派の漁業者らが国に開門英語言う方法

諫早「開門派49人に1日1万円」国に命令 佐賀地裁朝日新聞 - ‎32

諫早「開門派49人に1日1万円」国に命令 佐賀地裁
朝日新聞 - ‎32 分前‎

国営諫早湾干拓事業(長崎県)で、開門派の漁業者らが国に開門するまで1日1億円の強制金支払いを求めていた「間接強制」の申し立てについて、佐賀地裁は11日午前、申し立てを認め、2カ月以内に開門しなかった場合は、原告1人あたり1日1万円を支払うよう命じる決定を ...
関連 諫早湾 » 国への「間接強制」認める=漁業者49人に1日1万円—佐賀地裁2カ月以内開門求めウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル日本版諫早湾干拓で国に制裁金命令 佐賀地裁、干拓の開門促す47NEWSすべてのニュース提供元(10 件) »
関連 諫早湾 »

佐賀新聞 有期刑上限20年に引き上げ…改正少年法が成立 2014年04月11日 11時09分
読売新聞 - ‎18 分前‎

少年による重大犯罪の厳罰化を柱とする改正少年法が11日午前、参院本会議で賛成多数により可決、成立した。 成人なら無期懲役に当たる罪を犯した18歳未満の少年に言い渡せる有期刑の上限を、15年から20年に引き上げたほか、判決時20歳未満の少年に言い渡される ...
改正少年法:有期刑上限引き上げ 参院で成立毎日新聞少年の有期刑上限20年に厳罰化 改正法成立、成人との差縮小47NEWSすべてのニュース提供元(8 件) »

毎日新聞 マスターズ:松山英樹、出遅れ90位
毎日新聞 - ‎1 時間前‎

男子ゴルフのメジャー第1戦、マスターズ・トーナメントは10日、米ジョージア州のオーガスタ・ナショナルGC(7435ヤード、パー72)で第1ラウンドが行われ、松山英樹は2バーディー、8ボギー、1ダブルボギーの80で90位と大きく出遅れた。 68で回ったビル・ハース(米国)が ...
関連 ゴルフ » 松山英樹 » 大たたきに足取り重く=松山、予選落ちの危機-マスターズゴルフ時事通信ビル・ハースが誇る“マスターズの華麗なる血脈”ゴルフダイジェスト・オンライン詳細:B・ハースが首位、連覇を狙うA・スコットが2位、松山崩れて90位マイナビニュースすべてのニュース提供元(58 件) »
関連 ゴルフ » 松山英樹 »

岐阜新聞 ウクライナに金融支援訴え G7、緊急会合で声明
日本経済新聞 - ‎34 分前‎

... ). 【ワシントン=共同】先進7カ国(G7)財務相・中央銀行総裁会議は10日、米首都ワシントンで緊急会合を開き、緊迫化するウクライナ情勢について協議し、同国への金融支援の必要性を訴える声明を発表した。 先進国に加え、ロシアや中国など新興国も参加する20カ国・ ...
関連 G20 » 米財務長官、ロシアに「重大な追加制裁の用意」読売新聞G7:ウクライナ支援の必要性で一致毎日新聞すべてのニュース提供元(101 件) »
関連 G20 »

毎日放送 小保方氏不服申し立て審査 理研、来週にも結論
MSN産経ニュース - ‎1 時間前‎

新型万能細胞「STAP(スタップ)細胞」の論文不正問題で理化学研究所は10日、小保方(おぼかた)晴子・研究ユニットリーダー(30)の不服申し立てを受け、再調査の必要性があるか審査するよう調査委員会に9日付で指示したと明らかにした。調査委は不正を認定した委員で ...
アピタルトップ > ニュース > 一夜明け小保方氏「体調大丈夫」 理研は再調査か審査朝日新聞小保方氏の不服申し立て 理研、再調査必要か審査開始サンケイスポーツ詳細:噂の笹井氏が週明け会見 謝罪意向日刊スポーツすべてのニュース提供元(9 件) »

Newsweekjapan 米大統領、ロシアの行動エスカレートなら追加制裁検討すべきと主張
ロイター - ‎53 分前‎

... チェック. [ワシントン 10日 ロイター] -米ホワイトハウスによると、オバマ米大統領とメルケル独首相は10日、ウクライナ情勢について電話会談をし、オバマ大統領は、ロシアの行動がエスカレートした場合、追加制裁も検討すべきと主張した。 オバマ政権は、親ロシア派が「明らか ...
関連 バラク・オバマ » 対ロシア追加制裁に備えを=ウクライナ東部情勢で米大統領-独首相と電話協議時事通信東京市場 米政府、ロシアの行動がエスカレートすれば追加制裁も検討すべきKlug クルークすべてのニュース提供元(6 件) »
関連 バラク・オバマ »

社会 »

テレビ朝日 「もんじゅ」で点検不備 運転再開さらに遠のく
テレビ朝日 - ‎5 時間前‎

多数の機器の点検漏れが見つかり、運転再開手続きの停止命令を受けている高速増殖炉「もんじゅ」で、新たな点検上の不備が見つかったことが分かりました。運転再開がさらに遠のく可能性があります。 関係者によりますと、点検上の不備は、もんじゅに対して先月10日から28 ...
関連 もんじゅ » もんじゅ検査で虚偽報告の疑い 新たに未点検機器琉球新報もんじゅ点検放置、新たに9点 原子力規制委が指摘朝日新聞すべてのニュース提供元(19 件) »
関連 もんじゅ »

毎日新聞 - ‎8 分前‎

ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Isahaya ' to the open sesame of 49 people 1 day 10000 ¥ ' country saga district court orders
Asahi Shimbun-32 minutes ago

decision did not open within two months if allegations of indirect coercion was seeking national Isahaya (Nagasaki prefecture), until the opening of fishermen from open the gate to the country. 1st forced payment of 100 million yen saga District Court found 11 am, plaintiff 1 person per 1 day 10000 ¥ 1.53...
Related Isahaya Bay» indirectly forced to admit-fishermen 49 people in 1 day 10000 ¥ — saga District Court two months less than opening sought Wall Street Journal Japan Edition Isahaya Bay with urging Nations to sanction money orders saga District Court, land reclamation opening 47 NEWS all news sources (10 comments)»
related Isahaya Bay»

saga newspaper fixed-term sentence limit raised to 20 years. The revised juvenile law establishment 4/11/2014 11:09
Yomiuri Shimbun-18 minutes ago

Medicalization of serious crimes by boys to the pillar revised juvenile law passed by majority vote in the House of Councillors plenary session 11 am, and was approved. Besides the maximum definite term sentenced guilty if adult hits to life imprisonment under 18 boy 言い渡せる raised to 20 years from 15 years, judgment when be sentenced under the 20-year-old boy...
revised juvenile law: in fixed-term sentence limit raise upper establishment every day newspaper boy fixed-term sentence limit crime Amendment Act enacted in 20 years,Gap adult and 47 NEWS all news sources (8 comments)»

daily newspaper masters: Matsuyama, Hideki, laggards 90 #
every day newspaper - 1 hour ago

is the first leg of the men's Golf major, the Masters tournament 10 days, Georgia Augusta, national GC ( 7435 yards, par 72 ) in first round is done, large late Matsuyama, Hideki 2 birdies, 8 bogeys, one double bogey 80 90 # and. Is around 68 Bill Haas ( United States )...
related Golf» Matsuyama, Hideki» was great when heavy footsteps crisis-Matsuyama, missed the cut-A Scott "the brilliant bloodline masters" Golf Digest's Masters Golf newsletter Bill Haas, online for more information: b, Haas aims at leading the Championship runner-up, out of Matsuyama 90 # mynavi news all news sources (58 views)»
related Golf» Matsuyama, Hideki»

Gifu Shimbun Ukraine on financial aid appeals G7,A statement by the emergency meeting
Japan economic newspaper-34 minutes ago

...). [Washington = joint] open the emergency meeting in the U.S. capital of Washington 10 days, the seven industrialized nations (G7) Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting, announced the statement talks about the urgency of the situation in Ukraine and the need for financial support to the country's appeal. 20 countries in addition to the developed countries, emerging countries such as Russia and China to join...
related G20» U.S. Treasury Secretary, Russia to a serious additional sanctions for Yomiuri Shimbun G7:In need of Ukraine support matches every day all news source (101 views)»
related G20»

daily concluded the broadcasting nishiobokata's appeal complaint examination RIKEN, next week
MSN from Sankei News - 1 hour ago

with STAP ( Stapp ) cells new all-purpose cells article fraud problem RIKEN Research Institute 10 days, research unit leader (30), nishiobokata (おぼかた) Haruko's Tribunal,Revealed that the Commission dated 9, directed him to the examination, there is need for a review. Committee members approved the illegal in...
アピタル top > news > dawn overnight, nishiobokata said "feeling okay RIKEN review or examination Asahi newspaper nishiobokata said the appeal complaint RIKEN, review needed or screening start Sankei sports more: Sasai said rumors of a Monday Conference apology intention Nikkan sports all news sources (9 comments)»

Newsweekjapan President,Claim Russia actions escalate if additional sanctions consider should be
Reuters-53 minutes ago

... Check... The Washington 10, Reuters]-and should consider additional sanctions if President Obama escalated Russia's behavior, according to the White House, President Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel 10 days, about the situation in Ukraine phone talks and insisted. The Obama administration parent Russia faction was "apparently...
Related Barack» to additional sanctions on Russia prepared = Ukraine Eastern Affairs in U.S. President-all Klug Crooke should consider additional sanctions even escalation of German Chancellor with telephone talks topical communication Tokyo market U.S. Government, Russia's action news source (6 comments)»
related Barack»


inspection deficiencies resume on the TV Asahi monju further away
TV Asahi - 5 hours ago

equipment number check leakage is found,We found that monju fast breeder reactors have rated driving resume proceedings suspended the inspection on a new flaw found. You may resume on the more distant. According to officials, lack of inspection on the for monju last month from 10 28...
related monju» by monju suspicion of false reporting in new 未点検 equipment Ryukyu shimpo monju inspection left the new 9-point nuclear regulatory Commission pointed out that all Asahi Shimbun news source (19 comments)»
related monju»

Google: Airport detail map, mistakenly to be viewed
daily newspaper-8 minutes ago

結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Instruction Saga district court in the country "¥ 10,000 a day 49 people school open gate" Isahaya
32 minutes ago - Asahi Shimbun National Isahaya Bay reclamation project in (Nagasaki), one fisherman from open gate of school until the open gate to the country allegations were seeking to force payment of 100 million yen day of "indirect enforcement", the morning on the 11th, if you are granted the motion, but did not open gate within two months, Saga District Court 10 000 January 1 person per plaintiff decisions ... order to pay the circle

Penalties instruction Saga district court in the country in Wall Street Journal Japan Isahaya Bay reclamation required open gate Saga District Court within two months, - ¥ 10,000 the 1st "indirect enforcement" admit to related Isahaya Bay »Country = 49 people fishermen News source of all 47NEWS prompting open gate of reclamation (10) »
related Isahaya Bay » 11:09 April 11, 2014 established to pull up ... revised Juvenile Law in 20 years fixed-term imprisonment Saga newspaper maximum 18 minutes - Yomiuri Shimbun before

Morning the 11th, the revised Juvenile Law, which centers on severe punishment of serious crimes committed by the boy passed by a majority in the upper house plenary session, I was satisfied. In addition to raised to 15-20, the upper limit of the fixed-term imprisonment of Iwataseru the boy under the age of 18 who have committed the offenses punishable with imprisonment indefinitely if the adult is sentenced to the boy under the age of 20 ruling at the time ...
the revised Juvenile Law: toughen the law amended law passed in '20 fixed-term imprisonment of upper limit established Mainichi boy in fixed-term imprisonment upper limit raising the upper house, news source of all reduced 47NEWS of the adult (8) »

Mainichi Masters: # 90 Hideki Matsuyama, late
Mainichi Shimbun - one hour before the first major round of the men's golf, the 10th, Masters tournament the (7435 yards, par 72) at Augusta National GC in the U.S. Georgia Round 1 is carried out, Hideki Matsuyama was late as large as 90 in 80 2 birdie, bogey 8, one double bogey. Bill Haas, which was around 68 (USA) ...

A aiming leaders, is a consecutive B · Haas: Masters Golf Newsletter Bill Haas Golf Digest Online details "bloodline Magnificent Masters" proud - crisis Matsuyama = heavy gait, Yosen'ochi of the relevant Golf »Hideki Matsuyama» large seared 2-position Scott, news source of all 90 of my Navi News (58) »The collapse Matsuyama
related golf »Hideki Matsuyama» statement financial assistance accused G7, an emergency meeting in Gifu Ukraine newspaper Nihon Keizai Shimbun - 34 minutes before

... The 10th, and held an emergency meeting in the U.S. capital Washington, to discuss Ukraine situation to be tense,). WASHINGTON = PTI developed seven countries (G7) finance ministers and central bank governors meeting financial support to the country's I issued a statement to appeal the need for. In addition to the developed countries, 20 countries and ... emerging countries such as China and Russia will join
G20 »U.S. Treasury Secretary related, Yomiuri Shimbun G7" provides significant additional sanctions "to Russia: Mainichi match in need of support Ukraine News source of all (101 reviews) »
G20 »related conclusion Mainichi Cobo how Mr. appeal examination RIKEN, next week 1 hour ago - MSN Sankei News on the 10th, RIKEN Contact Cobo how (in the paper fraud problem "STAP (Stapp) cells" of the new master cell was revealed to have been instructed by the 9 date to investigation committee so that it received the appeal Bo-kata) Haruko Research Unit Leader (30), to review whether there is a need for re-examination. Investigation committee in the Board members who are certified fraud ...

APITA Le Home> News> one dawn Cobo how Mr. "physical condition all right" RIKEN examination start Sankei Sports more appeal RIKEN, or re-examine the need for examination Asahi Shimbun Cobo how Mr. or re-examination: the beginning of the week conference apology intention Nikkan Sports Sasai Mr. rumor News source of all (9) » argue that sanctions should be considered if additional action escalate Newsweekjapan U.S. President of Russia 53 minutes ago - Reuters

... Check [Washington the 10th (Reuters) -. According to the White House, the 10th, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and U.S. President Barack Obama a telephone conversation about the Ukraine situation, if the behavior of Russia escalates, President Obama, adding I claimed should also be considered sanctions. The Obama administration, pro-Russian faction "clearly ...
All the news Klug Crook should consider additional sanctions action telephone consultation newsletter Tokyo market U.S. government and German Chancellor, of Russia if escalate - U.S. President = eastern Ukraine the situation with the relevant Barack Obama »Add to Russia sanctions provider (6) »
related Barack Obama » Society » to recede further inspection deficiencies resume operations in TV Asahi "Monju" 5 hours ago - TV Asahi

I found that the fast breeder reactor leak inspection of a number of devices is found, has received a command to stop operation restart procedure in the "Monju", lack of a new inspection on is found. there is a possibility that the driver resume recede further. When depends on the people involved, lack of inspection on, 28 from the 10th last month to Monju ...
Not inspection equipment Ryukyu Shimpo Monju inspection left to doubt new false report in connection Monju »Monju inspection, a new nine-point Nuclear Regulatory Commission news source of all Asahi Shimbun pointed out (19)»
related Monju » Google: Airport detail view , to viewable by mistake Mainichi - 8 minutes ago

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
A person who is "opening 49 million a day in the country at the district court orders" saga newspaper said Asahi 32 minutes ago said state-run Isahaya Bay reclamation project at too (Nagasaki Prefecture) at the gate of the school in the country to fishery and the gate 1, 1 billion yen for compulsory indirect payment "forced" over allegations the saga at the court, the case within two months is not due to the plaintiff, per person per day decided to pay 10000 yen...
Isahaya Gulf country relation related to "recognize" indirect forcing fishermen = 49 million a day in court within two months of Saga opening for the Wall Street Journal in the country in the Isahaya Bay Reclamation District, Saga fine instruction to land reclamation, the gate 47 NEWS all news provider (10 cases Isahaya Bay increased stress related relation »
Saga newspaper definite limit 20 years.. The revised juvenile law was established in November 11 / 04 / 09 / Yomiuri Shimbun said at 18 minutes ago and said tooThe revised juvenile law of serious crime and punishment by the boy at the house of Councillors voted by the majority The adult who committed a crime punishable with life imprisonment under 18 years old boy, 言い渡せる definite limit, up to 15 to 20 years, juvenile law revision...
when the boy was established under the age of 20 severe punishment law of definite daily news boy cap 20 years the definite limit in the houseAll the difference between adults and reduction NEWS 47 news provider (8) the Mainichi newspapers masters stress »
Hideki Matsuyama, before the late 90 at the daily newspaper said the first time a major festival at the men's golf game, too, the Masters tournament, Augusta national GC of Georgia (7435 yards, par 72) is carried out in the first round, Hideki Matsuyama birdie bogey 2, 8, 1 double bogey 80 and 90 can be increasedAround 68 bill Haas (US)...
Hideki Matsuyama University golf related relation; relation on gait heavy Matsuyama, Golf Digest online details at the Masters Golf Newsletter "crisis of the final bill Haas fall masters" boasts magnificent B Haas, aimed at the top and a row A second, the collapse Scott Matsuyama 90 all weather news news provider (58) »
golf related to Hideki Matsuyama stress relation relation Ukraine Gifu newspaper appeal G 7, financial supportEmergency meeting minutes before the statement at the Nihon Keizai Shimbun said. "If Washington said at 34

... = joint seven (7) G) finance ministers and central bankers in the U.S. capital of Washington held an emergency meeting, Ukraine tense situation to discuss, announced a statement to the need for financial support In addition to the developed countries, such as Russia and China will join in emerging countries and 20...
related relation G 20 U.S. Treasury Secretary, Russia "serious" provides additional sanctions G 7: Yomiuri ShimbunWith all the daily newspaper in need of support Ukraine news provider (101), 20 »
stress relation related G Mainichi broadcasting obokata appeal examination before the conclusion of the STAP RIKEN MSN Sankei news said the new one time too "said at the cell next week (response) of" unfair problem the Institute of physical and chemical research (10) obokata, Haruko and research unit (30), appealSo as to judge whether there is a need to review committee of nine on clear and direct The investigation committee in illegal...
アピタルトップ news as one "dawn" OK "RIKEN obokata physical examination or review Asahi obokata newspaper's appeal, RIKEN began Sankei Sports all need a detailed review of the daily sports news conference apology will provide a rumor sasai, week (9) after the former US president, Newsweekjapan stress relationShould be more sanctions if Russia's actions at the escalating claims minutes ago, Reuters said 53 said at the Reuters)

... check by the White House in Washington, the US president, Prime Minister and the national Obama Merkel, with Ukraine phone talks, the president Obama escalated the Russian action, should be considered more sanctions The government Obama "pro-Russian party clearly...
In the eastern Ukraine situation; in addition Obama relation related Barack sanctions against Russia and the U.S. President and Prime Minister telephone consultation, the Tokyo stock market newsletter about all of US government Klug news provides additional sanctions to be examined is escalating the Russian action (6) »
Barack Obama stress related social relation »

TV Asahi "Monju" flaw inspection operation resumed recede further found leakage inspection of equipment before too many at CNBC TV for five hours, said AsahiIn the fast breeder reactor "restart procedure of operation stop instruction for the new defect inspection found on it There are more people According to the defect inspection of the Monju last month 10 days to 28...
Monju Monju related relation inspection of suspected of false report uninspected inspection equipment, Ryukyu shimpo Monju in point 9 Nuclear Regulatory Commission pointed out that provides all the Asahi news (19 cases »
Monju) related relation atGoogle too, said at the airport too can browse at the wrong daily newspaper said 8 minutes ago
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