昨日は失礼しました。正直に言うとBTSのリーダーの人間性は素晴らしいと思います。とても良いチームワーク!リーダーに選ばれる人は皆、苦労しなが翻訳 - 昨日は失礼しました。正直に言うとBTSのリーダーの人間性は素晴らしいと思います。とても良いチームワーク!リーダーに選ばれる人は皆、苦労しなが英語言う方法


ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Sorry about yesterday.I think to be honest and great human leader of the BTS.Very good teamwork! Everyone watching over everyone, struggling, personality is elected leader.Hyungwon is friendly with friends! Is the era of humanity, human power, asked. Good luck. BTS with MX support from it. Thank you very much. I currently is now busy for carrier licenses of the company! Also, when you come back to Japan on FB you up! In blog every day, continues to introduce.Want to meet someday. Watch out for your body!Also after you develop into something useful, I am honored leader!I must be going. Efforts to improve the status and wealth you guys serve as my own now I strenuously.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Yesterday was rude.
Honest humanity of BTS of leader I think that great.
Very good team work! People chosen to leader everyone, while struggling, is a personality who watch everyone.
Hyungwon friendly with fellow think! Coming years is human nature, human power is being questioned. Please do your best. The BTS and MX support you in the future. I am always grateful for your help. I now, busy right now for a career license acquisition of the company! Also Once you have returned to Japan, up in the FB! Every day in the blog, we continue to introduce.
I want to see you someday. Watch out for your body!
Also Once it helps something you, I am honored leader!
excuse me. I will do my best so hard in my own right now the effort to up the status and financial power so that you guys of helps.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
I'm sorry about yesterday.I think that human nature is of great BTS leader to tell the truth.Very good teamwork! Everyone who is elected leader, personality, everyone is watching.I think Hyungwon gentle companion! Age of human nature, human beings. Please do your best. To BTS and MX is from now on. Thank you for always. I am currently a carrier for licensing company busy now! When he returned to Japan, in FB up! The blog every day, has been introduced.Someday I hope to see you. Take care of your body!In addition, if something to help you, I am honored leaders!Will you excuse me? As you make the effort to make up their own financial status and now I work hard.
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