私はかつてこのメールアドレスで登録していました(stcm2nd-stcm@yahoo.co.jp)昨日、自分のアカウントをcloseしました翻訳 - 私はかつてこのメールアドレスで登録していました(stcm2nd-stcm@yahoo.co.jp)昨日、自分のアカウントをcloseしました英語言う方法





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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
I was once at this mail address registered a (stcm2nd-stcm@yahoo.co.jp)Yesterday, I close my account. Registration has been in a new email address (crazy.trader@e-nautia.com).Because most of the cards I have owned USD card is.But at first I opened JPY denominated accounts. Could not erify thanks to most of my card (or different currency units, so much money deducted for verification do not know the exact amount)I it inconveniences the new USD account is older in this new account account registration card cannot be registered.Do you think you are in this case what is the best?Tell me my wish. I think if you do one or more of the following measures to resolve the problem.To reactivate your old account, to change USD JPY denominated from (in this case the email address is also turn together)-(Find a refund also brought him down in your old account to verify for small amounts of money) to you to permanently delete my old account information to allow registration and verification card in the new accountHope that, on considering the above I hope you will take action.Thank you will be
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
I was registered once in this e-mail address (stcm2nd-stcm@yahoo.co.jp)
yesterday, it was close your account. We were newly registered in the then new e-mail address (crazy.trader@e-nautia.com).

Most if of my owning card Why's the card of USD-denominated.
But first we have to open a JPY-denominated account most. Most of my card thanks could not Verify (because the currency unit different, I do not know that either the exact amount was deducted How much for verification)
I felt the inconvenience to it, opened a new USD-denominated account I then was, but can not be registered registered card to the old account in this new account.
Do you think is best to do in this case?

Please let me say my hope. If you are one of the measures of the following problem would be solved.
- You have to reactivate the old account, to change from JPY denominated in USD-denominated (in this case, even if the e-mail address should be changed together)
, you have to completely remove my old account information, in the new account in to be able to register and verify the card (in this case, you have a small amount of money should also refund was debited for the verification in the old account)

on which were also taken into consideration my hope, such as described above, you we hope that that will cause some action.
Thank wish
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
I was once this e-mail address is registered with the STCM STCM 2nd - Yahoo. Co.jp.Yesterday, I close my account. New email address then crazy trader e nautia. Com) -- newly registered.My own, because most of the USD card of card.When I opened the first JPY set up an account. It was thanks to my card is Verify almost can"t understand exactly how much are debited for verification of the amount, so that different monetary unit.I feel that the inconvenience, I open a new account, USD built in this new account registration is not registered in the old account card.Do you think you are the best and what to do in this case?Let me say what I hope. I think you to solve the following problem if any of the measures.You and your active again the old account, USD built from JPY built in this case, the mail address, please change together.And when you completely deleted my old account information, so as to be in the new account registration card to verify, in this case you in the old account debited to verify that a small amount of money for a refund, please.As described above, in consideration of my hope, I hope that you will give me some actions.I wish you love
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