On Monday, Tuesday, yawning wake up at the open window to Wednesday Thursday exchanged at the kiss of love to know to lose at Friday Saturday sleep at the end of the week repeated what anxiety? Pull the thread at the days are always not change but if history Onece at once upon a time there is a tale of mystery that long life of one page at my back to look at how well this Sunday with screws that transparent world someone pull move of fate. At the marionnette another little baby at the sixth day morning.Don't have anything left that he only if it can only be at the Onece at once upon a time just like the fashion at the mystery story spread at the fingertips of life even in the world, but it touched life at the feeling only too clear that everyone who I love you. I love you where? At the memorial day of birthday blessing on you for a week at my first story at the Onece once upon a time, at this moment at the strange tale of one page of lifeThe mechanism still remain at a Sunday run around the world you are transparent to screw me