世界で最も何とも難しい問題がイスラエルとパレスチナ問題であります。これはキリストも当事者でキリスト教も絡んだ宗教の本拠地由縁と言えます。これ翻訳 - 世界で最も何とも難しい問題がイスラエルとパレスチナ問題であります。これはキリストも当事者でキリスト教も絡んだ宗教の本拠地由縁と言えます。これ英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
In the world the most indescribably difficult problems in Israel and Palestine. ThisAnd the true religion Christ Christianity is entwined with the parties on the home dog and. ThisAnd also Christian death Christ made to the original source is found in ChristChain died the death of parties, during the chain of death is your willDo. You never break the chain of death continues the Christian century. ChristSort of to break the chain of death and into the new century from a century of. The new worldI think one idea that springs up from the new ideas if you change to.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Most indescribably difficult problem in the world you are Israel and the Palestinian problem. This
Re is also true Christianity also the religion of home acquaintance entwined in the party Christ. This
is is also the origin place of Christianity, which was made ​​on the basis that the dead Christ, Christ
died to chain both parties of his death, or has been a chain of the death Kurikae
be. If you follow the century of Christ never will break the chain of his death. Christ
instead of the new century is in the break the chain of death from the capital of the century. New world
if Kaware to Osamu I think that the idea comes out springing from new ideas.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
In the world there is a most difficult problem in both Israel and Palestine problem. ThisIf Christ is home to the relation of religion and the parties involved to Christianity. ThisAll that Christ died and Christian sources to land on the basis of the ChristA chain of death in both parties to the chain of death andWant to be among the first to wish you every happiness. A century of Christ will not continue to break the chain of death. ChristThe 21st century is to break the cycle of death and change in the new century. New worldIn you come to spring up from the change in the new ideas.
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