初モデルの仕事、本当に素晴らしい!本当にCoolこれからモデルの仕事もたくさん増えますね!歩く時に肩が少し揺れるので、上半身を固定して足だけ翻訳 - 初モデルの仕事、本当に素晴らしい!本当にCoolこれからモデルの仕事もたくさん増えますね!歩く時に肩が少し揺れるので、上半身を固定して足だけ英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The first modeling job, really great! Really coolFrom this model work much more!Secures the upper shoulder is a little shake when you walk in, soHer beautiful image to move forward only on foot, walking and it looks more Cool. So is the practice of walking long ago told Hyun. ('▽' *) not selected only the handsome model! Is the atmosphere! Shines from within a person is elected.Try the different possibilities from this! Flapped in the world!
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Work of the first model, really great! Really Cool
it will increase a lot of work of the future model!
Shoulders shake a little because when you walk, to secure the upper body
and walk in the image of the feeling move forward with only the feet, looks to further Cool to walk more beautiful. Since the practice way of walking was told Hyun a long time ago. (* '▽' *) handsome just is not selected in the model! There is atmosphere! Shine there is a person will be selected from the inner.
Now also try a lot of potential! And fluttered in the world!
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The first model is a really great job! Really CoolA lot of work model and more!In walking, the little rock shoulder, so as to fix the upper bodyAnd walk on foot to feel the image just before the walk more more beautiful to look Cool. The practice of walking was a long time ago in Hyun. Not only in the chosen model (*"▽"*) handsome! There is an atmosphere! The glow from within the chosen person.From this time many possibilities to try! Flap to the world!
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