親愛なるエリカこんにちは…お元気ですか?私の事は多分覚えてないでしょうね!あなたと最後に会ったのは1999年なので、もう16年前になります当翻訳 - 親愛なるエリカこんにちは…お元気ですか?私の事は多分覚えてないでしょうね!あなたと最後に会ったのは1999年なので、もう16年前になります当英語言う方法






当時あなたは SHINJU NO MORI で働いてて、私はそこのお客でした

あの頃のあなたは まだ子供でしたね



ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Dear EricaGood afternoon... How are you?I don't remember maybe!Because the last time I saw you and 1999 will be another 16 years beforeAt that time you have worked in SHINJU NO MORI, I was there for guestsYou at that time was still a child.It's going to the 35-year-old almost 16 years passed since then, soAt that time was not too much socializing, but I didn't much give you even nominating things you regret nowEven is you are kind to him. It's still very grateful
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Dear Erika Hello ... how are you? I thing I will not remember maybe! Since I met you and the last is a 1999, you will already '16 before the time you are working in SHINJU NO MORI, I was the bottom of the customers I you were still children of those days from there 16 Since year also have passed, but I have become much more 35 years old but those days was not even much of a relationship, now that the nomination even did not give to much and you can not regret but but it is you were gentle ... it I am very grateful even now

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Hello dear Erica too... How are you? I will of you probably don't remember! You last see a year since 1999, another 16 years ago working with SHINJU NO MORI you too at that time, I was still there in your child that you too when you up from 16 years old, so I more about 35 years old and is too much of a relationship that I couldn't even pick up much to regret now too.But you were you... It is still very grateful
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