キリストの世紀を継続した場合この様な死の連鎖で人々は身動きがとれません。この様な死の連鎖を断ち切る必要があるのです。それは死とは縁もゆかりも翻訳 - キリストの世紀を継続した場合この様な死の連鎖で人々は身動きがとれません。この様な死の連鎖を断ち切る必要があるのです。それは死とは縁もゆかりも英語言う方法


ます。 戦争の出来ない仕組みの網の中でのみ人々は安全に生活する事が出来るのであります。
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
If you continue to the Christian century series such as death of people can't move. Such as deathIt is necessary to break the chain. It is death to build no new century stranger things.Rocky Mountains. Would say that also in humans and fight from the continuous cycle of war and as the saying goes. So instead of in the name of the man from the century, don't fight! With words, let's fix itThe use the words, i.e. multilingual. Words don't fight, don't fight the new century would be and saidShould we be. As a tool for the words of peace, ventured into the new century, peace of the new century and inWill. Only in the Web of war cannot be people able to live safely in.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
People in the chain of such a death case was continued the century of Christ will not be stuck. Of such a death
we need to break the chain. It Dare to be build alien new century is the death
you will. When you think of a continuous chain of the war, the man will also become a proverb to say that is also fight.
Therefore not a human name is from the century, not be construed fight! Say that going to solve with the words the world
is to take advantage of the words, that is multilingual. Not human fight, and you'll words that do not fight in the new century saying
there in Umono. Bet in peace, I was betting on the new century, there since the new century as a tool of words of peace
you. People only in the net of a mechanism that can not be the war will be than able to live safely.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
When a century of Christ in this chain of death is not stuck with people. This kind of deathYou need to break the chain. It is to build a century, I have nothing to do with the death edge new ah. And the idea of war from the continuous chain, then the proverb says that fight.Therefore, from the name of a human, but not fight! The world is going to have to solveWords, that is to use multiple languages. Not to fight, fight and say in the new centuryThere"s one. Go in peace, in the case of a stake in the new century of peace as a language tool. Only in the network structure of the people can live in safety, not war.
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