配偶者ビザは夫と離婚すると基地の中でパスがないので仕事ができない。離婚するときに日本人の職場で仕事している方が子どもの親権が取れやすい。離婚翻訳 - 配偶者ビザは夫と離婚すると基地の中でパスがないので仕事ができない。離婚するときに日本人の職場で仕事している方が子どもの親権が取れやすい。離婚英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
And her husband divorced spouse visa and path in the base so I can't work. When divorce work in the Japanese workplace is easy-to-take custody of the children. Shouldn't be, when the child custody during divorce without working visa application at the Immigration Office within 14 days. The estranged spouse visa, because if Japan can work anywhere. Living in Japan who have permanent residency, divorce becomes the guarantor becomes more possible. Apart from 2 children and is divorced from living in two or three years. It is very important to take custody of the child when to divorce. I think in favor of who lives in with children to work properly to take custody.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Can not work because the spouse visa path is not in the base when you divorce her husband. The divorce is likely to take the children's custody those who are working in the workplace of the Japanese when the. If you can not take the child's custody when you divorce, you must apply for work visa in the immigration office within 14 days. Because estranged there is a spouse visa, can work to Japan if anywhere. That people who have permanent residency in divorce is to live in Japan and become guarantor identity becomes more possible. do not live at home to there is also a method to divorce from live two children and two or three years. It is very important to take the children's custody when you divorce. You think its because the advantage to become that person who lives in the three with their children and neat work to take custody.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Because there is no path at the base of the spouse visa to divorce and her husband can't work. When the divorce of the Japanese in the workplace as it is easy to get custody of children. Can not get custody of children in divorced within 14 days of the immigration office to apply for a work visa. Since there are estranged spouse visa, can work anywhere in Japan. It is to live in Japan will be the guarantor who has a permanent residency and divorced.Two children and two , separation to be divorced from 3 years. So it is important to take the time to divorce, custody of children. I think that in order to work properly and take custody and lived to be together with the children.
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