みなさんがご存じのように、蛋白質は、ばい菌の最も住みやすい環境ですから、もし、この器具で酪農家の搾乳バケツなどの検査をして蛋白質が残っていれ翻訳 - みなさんがご存じのように、蛋白質は、ばい菌の最も住みやすい環境ですから、もし、この器具で酪農家の搾乳バケツなどの検査をして蛋白質が残っていれ英語言う方法




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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
So if you know of as protein is the germs most livable environment it can be taught to wash bucket more carefully in the future, "from your milking bucket quickly bacteria grows." tell me this equipment by inspection of dairy farms milking bucket, if you have protein.The advantages of this equipment is so far in front of the dairy now result can be determined.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
As everybody know, protein, because it is the most livable environment of germs, if, any remaining protein by the inspection, such as dairy farmers milking bucket in this instrument, "from your milking bucket, and soon We teach that by germs will continue to increase ", it is not possible guidance to now to wash the more carefully bucket. It should be noted that the advantage of this equipment is where immediate results can be confirmed in front of the dairy farmers in the eye.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
As you know, the protein of the bacteria most livable environment, if this instrument still remain, such as dairy milking pail home inspection, the protein from your milking bucket "," more germs immediately from now on, so that the cleaning is more thorough in the bucket can be. Well, the advantages of this equipment, it can be confirmed that the results of a dairy farmer right before your eyes. Stress
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