お疲れさまです。睡眠が充分でない状況にも関わらず、メールを送信してくれてありがとう。母のことを心配してくれてありがとう。貴方がテニスシューズ翻訳 - お疲れさまです。睡眠が充分でない状況にも関わらず、メールを送信してくれてありがとう。母のことを心配してくれてありがとう。貴方がテニスシューズ英語言う方法




貴方が航空機のチケットが取れたようですね? 良かったです。




ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Cheers for good work is.

In spite of the situation sleep is not sufficient, thank you send an email.
Thank you for your worrying about your mother.

You are good to me with the tennis shoes.
You was good? Seem to have take the ticket of the aircraft.
I'm glad that you spend the New Year together and the family seems to be able to.

It is a gift of your mind all.

Please take enough rest with the family.

Please contact us if you come back to Japan.

結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

Regardless of circumstances is not sleeping, thanks for sending the mail, thank you.
Mother worried about me, thank you.

Thanks for you using a tennis shoe.
You seem balanced airplane ticket!? Is good.
Is good it can be easily you spend new year's with my family.

All the attitude of your tribute.

Please take enough rest with my family.

Please contact me when you come back to Japan.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Thank you.

In spite of the situation that sleep isn't enough, thank you for transmitting an email.
Thank you for worrying about mother.

It was good that you used the tennis shoes.
Seem you to have been able to take the ticket of the plane? I was good.
You seemed to be able to spend the New Year with a family together and were good.

All is a boon of your intention.

Please take the rest with a family enough.

Please contact it if I come back to Japan.

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