あなたは今週の何曜日に名古屋へ来る予定ですか?また、どのくらいあなたは名古屋に滞在する予定ですか?来週も滞在予定ならば、わたしはあなたを来週翻訳 - あなたは今週の何曜日に名古屋へ来る予定ですか?また、どのくらいあなたは名古屋に滞在する予定ですか?来週も滞在予定ならば、わたしはあなたを来週英語言う方法





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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
You are what this week is going to come on the day of the week to Nagoya? How much are you planning to stay in Nagoya is? Will stay again next week, I can guide you to OSU in the first half of next week. At that time, Mao, Kanako's favorite shaved ice shop go together!I'm Friday junior women short program men's and senior ladies-short program on Saturday, Senior Ladies-short program on Sunday (early in the morning! ), Junior women FP, FP watch men's plan. Decision Friday, Saturday and Sunday late mayI may be late on Saturday and Sunday.And perhaps may take free time on Saturday afternoon.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Are you planning to come to Nagoya on what day of the week this week? Also, how much are you going to stay in Nagoya? If even stay next week, I will be able to guide the Osu you to the first half of next week. At that time, Mao and Kanako is let's go together to the favorite shaved ice store! I Friday junior women SP and boys SP, Saturday senior women's SP, Sunday's senior women's SP (early morning!), We are planning junior women FP, the men's FP watching. Friday decision, Saturday and Sunday might be late I might be late Saturday and Sunday. And, it might be free time can be taken in the afternoon of Saturday maybe

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
What day you will come to this? Also, how long will you stay in Nagoya? Next week, if you stay, I to you early next week to guide the OSU. Then, let"s go together into a pet shop and Kanako Mao shaved ice!I SP junior female and male SP Friday, Saturday, Sunday SP senior women"s senior women"s SP (morning) The FP Junior Women, men"s watch FP. Friday, Saturday and Sunday may or may not be lateI may be late Saturday and Sunday.Then, maybe on Saturday afternoon free time may be obtained.
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