KOKOROようこそ、本の国学園へ。ここは、たくさんの本たちが通う楽しいところ。クラスメイトはみんな個性的でいつも大騒ぎです。学園一人気者の翻訳 - KOKOROようこそ、本の国学園へ。ここは、たくさんの本たちが通う楽しいところ。クラスメイトはみんな個性的でいつも大騒ぎです。学園一人気者の英語言う方法






















































著者 田中 トイ
発行者 向田 翔一
発行元 合同会社二十二世紀アート(www.22art.net)
東京都調布市小島町一‐二十ニ‐一 〒一八二‐〇〇二六
電話 〇四二(四四六)二二一四
デザイン 西野 聡

ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
KOKOROWelcome to this National Park.Here is attend book lots of fun so far.Classmates in the personality, is always a fuss.School is popular Kokoro-CHAN, today we are playing and who will.So hey, let's go! Character introductionKOKORO... of this National Park. 8-year-old. Gaz's younger sister.GATS... my brother's heart. 18-year-old. Loves music and art. BUTAYA in this country, only DVD rental shop clerk.VOD... cooking for this National Park. In the human world as a go-getter Cook known name.Gen Toya... principals of this National Park. 1007 years. Origin of the name is the tale of Genji. From a young age still very popular with women.Alien bookmarks have been... disappears in this National Park. Doubt exists. Fly in the sky. Unknowingly go to always make a trip somewhere, but always come back.Master: BUTAYA in this country, only DVD rental shop manager. Beautiful teacher Tiffany are dating secretly.Alien Haruo came... disappears in this National Park. Doubt exists. Always flying. And always keep the bookmarks, but always lost.Tiffany... teachers beauty of this National Park. 22-year-old. Secretly going out with the GATS.Day of botchedI had plenty of students sitting posture well seats ringing the Bell end of the class, and ordered the scattered thoughts.Those who tired of vacation time in talking with friends around the desk at home waiting for Mama's home-made cakes or turned for home at a smart trot.8-year-old heart to chat while eating sweets and friends gather in the dining room, stopped by to say hello to the beautiful teacher staff room, my brother's work DVD shop with your favorite romantic drama from home and get to sleep thinking head in various stories, was routine.Popular heart, bookmark strings tremble, lots of friends and a greeting, heading to the dining room. Was a favorite location closest to counter a round table."Let there be? I haven't got anyone. … Bookmarks not say that no Haruo! "Was flanked by some solitary routinely gather with fellow table, chairs;Members to chat a bit whimsical, suddenly away on a trip and was strangely fluffy flying or the like, come back during, or if you do not know.A little bit disappointing that was thought and mood, such as that in the place where there should be no surprise that although today, but I'd like to talk about heart.Mind looking at kitchen counters, find dishes by Chef go-getter and rumored to be called."Hey, Hi pod""This a heart! Today we salute ""I wish the panicking so much""To another'm. Suddenly to be called, I was surprised. "To wryly, he returns and always speaks? it's not the words, and hurriedly went went to the back of the kitchen. Heart forgot to listen to the companions whereabouts, I gave up talking, leaving the dining room.KOKORO flew routine one headed to the staff room.Black teachers and famous school to greet it. Although the relationship between students and teachers that special relationship was two people. She loved sister to heart mind remembered her like my sister and me. Talking to the staff room door and noticed most in the beginning teacher.「失礼します。ねえ、ティファニー先生はいますか?」「やあ、ココロ。ティファニー先生なら、仕事を急いで切り上げて帰ったよ」「…そうなの。今日は何かと上手くいかない日だわ」今日は何となく、お話がしたい気分だったのに。よりによって二つも日課をこなせなかったココロは、拗ねたようにページの角を折り曲げる。別に約束をしていたわけではないのだから、誰を責めることもできないけれど、こんなのって、あんまりだわ。ココロは心の中でそんな文句をぶつぶつと垂れた。「おや、ココロじゃないか。いいところに来たね」職員室の奥の扉は、校長室につながっている。その扉からひょっこりと顔を出してココロを呼んだのは、校長先生であるゲン爺だった。穏やかな笑顔をココロに向けて、こちらへおいで、と招く。いつも朝礼では、私は女性にモテる、なんて場違いな武勇伝を得意げに語る彼だが、ココロはそんな校長らしくない姿が親しみやすくて好きだった。「なあに?ゲン爺。今日はツイてなくって、落ち込んでいたところなのよ」「なんだ、それはちょうどいい。君を元気にするニュースだよ」ゲン爺はそういうと、立派にピンと張った上質な紙をとりだして、彼女に差し出した。For her young lined a little difficult kanji. Charming watched squints Gen Toya is slowly spoken character."This National Park, creative story contest"「… He applied for me! "The heart Award"「… EH? Hey, is it! 」"Is that your story is the best,"KOKORO shouted in a loud voice, the Gen grandfather a hug round to become so I turned round and hard, kept a straight face.Secret story thought about before going to sleep each night. Girl don't know difficult words, but just hit the judges ' minds work just made a straight feeling, Hiragana."Gen Toya, me, unbelievable! 」"Hehehe, diverting the real story. Congratulations on the heart ""Thank you! My brother let go!! "Heart fluttering thin pages, and while running, headed for the DVD shop.Timed opening automatic doors located under the BUTAYA sign, awfully frustrating.Onii-Chan or what kind of face the way you wonder, how do I compliment. Try a cute and stylish reward can, I wonder.息切れを整えながら店内を見回すと、兄であるギャッツの姿はなかった。棚の整理をする店長を見つけ、声をかける。「ねえ、マスター!お兄ちゃんは、休憩かしら?」「やあココロ。残念だが、ギャッツは早退してね」「そんな、嘘でしょ?…なんてツイてない一日なのかしら」よりによってこんな日に、誰とも会えないなんて。なにひとつ日課をこなせない一日に、ココロは泣きたくなった。顔を赤くして声を震わせる少女に、マスターは少し戸惑ったが、すぐにココロをあやすように優しく笑った。「とりあえず、控室へおいで。そんなに息を切らして、喉が渇いただろ?」狭くて少し散らかった控室で、マスターはいつものようにココアをくれた。ココロは彼を困らせないよう涙をこらえていたが、その暖かい飲み物がゆっくりとその緊張をほぐしていくものだから、ぽろり、ぽろりと大きな雫をこぼしてしまう。「…だって、あんまりだわ。ブクマにもハルオにも、私が一番になったこと、聞いてほしかったのに」「それは、残念だったね」「ティファニー先生だって、聞いていたなら一緒に喜んでくれたはずよ」「ああ、きっとそうさ」「お兄ちゃんにも、たくさん褒めてもらいたかったのよ。すぐに!」ココロの涙が、ぽたぽたとココアに落ちて波紋を描いた。マスターは、吐き出される彼女の願いを、うんうんと頷きながら聞いてやっていたが、突然彼の傍に置かれた携帯電話がそれを遮った。電話越しの相手に声を聞かれないよう、ココロは嗚咽をぐっとこらえる。うん、そうか、わかったよ。そういった返答を電話に向かって返したマスターは、そっと携帯をポケットにしまった。「さて、ココロ。そろそろ家に帰ろう。送っていくよ」「…ありがとう、マスター」もう少しだけここにいたかったが、マスターに迷惑をかけてはいけないと、渋々ココロは頷いた。目が赤く腫れていませんように、泣いていたことが兄にばれませんように、そんなことを祈りながら歩いていると、あっという間に家の前についてしまった。マスターと一度目を合わせてうん、と頷いてから、気恥ずかしさや憂鬱さを振り払って、ドアを開く。パーン!!玄関に入った瞬間、ココロに向かってクラッカーの音が鳴り響いた。驚いて丸く見開いたその目には、先ほど見つからなかった二人の仲間が映る。ブクマとハルオは、してやったりという表情でクラッカーから火薬の煙を匂わせていた。そして部屋の奥からやってきたのは、職員室に行った頃には早退していたティファニーと、先ほど走って会いに行ったBUTAYAに姿がなかった、兄のギャッツだった。二人はとても嬉しそうな笑顔で、ココロの目の前に大きなホールケーキを差し出した。「ココロ、コンクール優勝おめでとう!」大きなホールケーキのプレートに、そう書かれている。ココロは、驚きで目が回って、倒れてしまいそうだった。「おかえりなさい、ココロ!校長先生に聞いてから、私たち急いでここに集まって、準備してたのよ!」「ティファニー先生、どうして…」「決まってるじゃない。あなたが優勝して、とっても嬉しいの!!」ティファニーは自分のことのように喜びながら、さあ早く、とココロをリビングへと招き入れる。テーブルにはたくさんのご馳走が並び、キッチンにはさっきココロに見つかったことに慌てていたポッドがいた。ケーキもきっと学校のキッチンのオーブンを使って焼いたのだろう、大きなお皿にたくさん積まれたデザートからは、食堂でいつも嗅いでいる甘い匂いがした。「嘘みたい、私…」「ココロ、本当によくやったな」「お兄ちゃん!」「驚いただろ?でも、本当にみんな嬉しいんだよ。おめでとう、ココロ」ギャッツは、驚きのあまり言葉を失うココロを宥めてから、ご褒美は、これでいいかな?と小さな箱を差し出す。箱を開けると、とても可愛くて、おしゃれなしおりが入っていた。ココロはそれを大事に身体に挟むと、淡い色をしたしおりの紐をゆらゆらと揺らした。「ねえ、みんな、ありがとう。私、本当にうれしいの!」ココロが眠くなるまで、パーティは続いた。ブクマとハルオや、優しいマスターと沢山笑い、ポッドのケーキを口いっぱいに頬張って、ティファニーと何度もお話を読み返しては、ギャッツがその度に沢山褒めてくれた。とても素敵な心地のまま、ココロはベッドに横になり、そっと目を閉じた。なんてツイてる一日なのかしら。そう呟いて。大好きな人たちとの、とても幸せなお話を考えながら。終わりココロのついてない1日著者 田中 トイ 発行者 向田 翔一発行元 合同会社二十二世紀アート(www.22art.net) 東京都調布市小島町一‐二十ニ‐一 〒一八二‐〇〇二六電話 〇四二(四四六)二二一四デザイン 西野 聡

結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Welcome to this country school.
Here, where the fun that a lot of this we attend.
Classmate is everyone unique and always fuss.
Gakuen one popular heart-chan, Will is in anyone playing today.
So hey, let's take a look. Character introduction heart ... this country school of popular person. 8-year-old. Sister of Gatz. Gatz ... brother of heart. 18-year-old. And loves the music and art. Country only clerk of the DVD rental shop BUTAYA of this. Boddo ... this country school of cuisine in charge. In the human world it has been known a name as a cook handedly. Gen old man ... this country school principal. 1007-year-old. The origin of the name is The Tale of Genji. I still popular with women since I was young. Alien who has slipped to bookmarking ... this country school. There you do not know well. It can fly in the sky. I always go to a journey to somewhere, but come back out you do not always know. Country only the manager of the DVD rental shop BUTAYA of master ... this. We're secretly dating and beauty teacher Tiffany. Alien who has slipped to Haruo ... this country school. There you do not know well. Always it's flying in the sky. Always be let with the after bookmarking, but lose sight always. Tiffany ... this national academy of new beauty teacher. 22-year-old. It's secretly dating Gatz. Heart of the does not have the 1st and chimes that mark the end of the lesson is blaring, to regularly and side-by-side seats, a lot of students who sat well attitude, go scattered in their own way. Not satisfied with talk of vacation time, those who surround the desk with friends, whether, those who get in way home at a brisk trot waiting in homemade cake of mom in the house. 8-year-old heart is, and his friends who gather in the dining room, and a chat while eating sweets and greet beauty teacher staff room, depending on the DVD shop to work with his brother, from rented a favorite romance drama, to go home, while thinking a lot story in my head, it was a daily routine and is to get to sleep. Popular mind, while fluttering a string of bookmarks, toward the cafeteria is greeted with a lot of friends. Closest to the counter, a round table was a favorite location. "What? I do not nobody come. ... You mean bookmarking is not the stomach, also I'm not Haruo" The usual table that gather with their peers, was the only side-by-side lonely chair are several. To members of the the talk, there is a place a little whimsical, it was a strange existence like or flying fluffy to come back while you do not know if you or gone out on a journey suddenly, whether. He not at this late hour surprisingly like that are not in there should be a place, but for the heart that has been thought and I feel somehow want to talk today, it was a little boring. Heart is peeping the counter with a kitchen, put the voice to find the cuisine in charge, which is rumored to go-getter chef. "Hey, hello pod" "This, mind! The cheers for good work today," "Nani, so much hurry to" "I do not Ya separately hurry. Suddenly Is the was surprised to be called out," Is not it have always talked, and the words return and he was bitter smile, I've done hurriedly entered To the back of the kitchen. Heart who missed hear whereabouts of fellow, left the cafeteria to give up the chat. Heart flew one daily routine, I went to the staff room. It's for a greeting to the famous beauty teacher at the school. Although there is in the relationship of students and teachers, two special relationship was good. She loved me like a sister the heart, the mind had been yearning for her as sister. And opened the door of the staff room, put a voice to the teacher that is attached to the eye in the beginning most. and "You'll excuse me. Hey, Tiffany teacher do you?" "Hi, heart. If Tiffany teacher, and I went back and rounded up in a hurry to work," "... layers of. something I's day does not work today," and somehow today , and though it was the mood that you want to have talk. All things mind that two did not Konase the daily routine, bending the corner of the page as shin. And because he does not had a promise Separately, but also can not blame anyone, this to me, it's so much. Heart was hung To grumbling such complaints in mind. "Oh, do not the mind. I came to say" the back of the staff room door has led to the principal's office. It's called the heart to put out the unexpectedly To face from the door, it was a is Gen grandfather principal teacher. Towards a gentle smile in mind, it invites to Come, and here. Always in the morning meeting, I popular with women, Nante but he speaks to the proud out of place saga, the mind liked friendly and the figure not like such principal. "What sweety is Gen old man. Today is Naku~tsu Te Tsui, depressed have had to place such No I" "What, it's just nice. news it'll be to you a healthy" and the Gen grandfather say so, fine that was stretched and admirably pin Remove the paper, and held out to her. It is arranged a little difficult kanji for young girlfriend. Gen old man had seen Hohoemashiku how the squint was read aloud slowly and its character. "This country school, creative story contest" "... I, the applicant was I guy" "Grand Prize, heart" "... What? Hey, it me!" "Your story is, the fact that most, " heart cry in a loud voice, and fly around, it was holding back a desperate to become seem to get around it clings to the current grandfather To round. The secret of the story that it was thought before sleep every night. Girl who does not know the difficult words, just made ​​a straight feeling, the work of just hiragana, it struck the hearts of the jury. "Current grandfather, I, I can not believe it!" "Hehe, unmistakable, real story is. Congratulations, heart" "Thank you! I, !! I go to inform the brother" heart is To pattering, a thin page while fluttering, and headed to the DVD shop running. Automatic door is open at the bottom of the sign that says BUTAYA, that time is awfully frustrating. I wonder if your brother to any face, I wonder me compliment me in what way. A reward, even if begging you take the the cute and fashionable bookmark, Iikashira. If you look around the store while established a shortness of breath, there was no appearance of Gatz is a brother. Find the store manager to organize the shelves, put a voice. "Hey, master! Brother, the rest I wonder?" and "Hey heart. but sorry, Gatz I to leave early." "That, I wonder lie right? ... What a does not have one day" all things to this day, anyone Nante not meet. Nothing in a day you do not Konase the daily routine, the mind felt like crying. The girl who shakes the voice by red face, the master was puzzled a little, laughed immediately to soothe the mind gently. "For now, we can run out of Come. So much go to the waiting room, probably thirsty?" and narrow and with little messy waiting room, the master gave me as usual cocoa. Although heart had been holding back the tears so as not to annoy him, because things will loosen its warm drink and slowly the tension, Porori, resulting in spilled a big drop and Porori. "... I mean, even in Haruo also so much but I. Bookmarking, that I became the most, as was to wanted heard," "it is, shame was the ne" "Even Tiffany teacher, happily together if had heard and should you "gave in "Oh, I'm sure Yeah" to "brother, I did wanted praised a lot. soon!" heart of tears, drew ripples fell to cocoa To dripping water. Master, her desire to be discharged, but had been doing heard while uh-huh To nod, was suddenly placed beside him a mobile phone is interrupted it. So as not to hear the voice over the phone of the other party, the mind stifle much a sob. Yeah, I see, it was found. Toward a such a reply to telephone returns master was gently closed the mobile in your pocket. "Now, mind. I will go home to soon house. I'll send it go" "... Thank you, master," but I wanted to have a little more only here, that I should not bother to master, and nodded reluctantly to mind. As the eye is not red and swollen, so that it does not finds out his brother that it was crying, and are walking while praying such a thing, I've quickly attached to the front of the house. Yeah together the master and one time, and from a nod, to shake off the embarrassment of and melancholy is, to open the door. Pan! ! The moment you enter the front door, the sound of crackers rang toward the heart. Its eyes were wide open round in surprise, reflected a fellow of the two people that were not found earlier. Bookmarking and Haruo had from crackers in facial expressions that can Shiteya~tsu hinted the smoke of gunpowder. And had come from the back of the room, and Tiffany had to leave early by the time I went to the staff room, there was no appearance in BUTAYA you went to see it ran earlier, was the brother of Gatz. Two people in a jubilant smile, held out a large hole cake in front of the mind's eye. "Mind, contest winner Congratulations!" to the plate of a large hall cake, it is written so. Heart eyes around in surprise, was would likely fall down. "Welcome back, and from listening to the heart! Headmaster, in a hurry us gathered here, and I did not ready!" "Tiffany teacher, why ..." and "not a has been decided. You have won, very happy of !! " Tiffany while joy as their own thing, come quickly, and invite the mind to the living. The sequence is a lot of feast on the table, the kitchen was a pod that was in a hurry to be found in a little while ago heart. Cake will also surely was baked using the kitchen oven of school, is from a large dish a lot was stacked in the dessert was sweet smell you are smelling always in the dining room. "Lie like, I ..." "heart, really well done Na" "your brother!" and "would have surprised? But, really'm everyone happy. Congratulations, heart" Gatz is, the heart to lose too much words of surprise and from soothing, wonder if the reward, okay with this? To hold out a small box with. When I opened the box, it is very cute, had entered stylish bookmark. Heart was shaking it when important to sandwich the body, To wobbling a string of bookmarks that a pale color. "Hey, guys, thank you. I, really happy!" until the heart becomes sleepy, party lasted. Bookmarking and and Haruo, laugh a lot and friendly master, is Hoba~tsu a pod of cake to mouth full, we took care of the story Tiffany and many times, Gatz gave me a lot of compliments on its time. Very nice remain comfortable, the mind to lie in bed, I closed the eyes gently. I wonder day you are lucky Nante. Layers muttered to. Of the people who love, while considered a very happy story. End one day not about the mind author Tanaka toy Shoichi issuer Mukaida issuing a joint company twenty-two Century Art (www.22art.net) Chofu, Tokyo Kojimacho one - twenty-two - one 〒 one hundred eighty-two -〇 Yes twenty-six telephone Yes forty-two (four hundred forty-six) two thousand two hundred and fourteen design Nishino Satoshi Umino Yuumi (C) Joint company twenty-two Century Art This document is under the protection of copyright. For some or all of this document, without obtaining permission in writing from the joint company twenty-two century art, also forbidden to be copied without permission in any way. For inquiries to this document, please contact the customer service center Yes forty-two (four hundred forty-six) one thousand three hundred ten.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Welcome to the land of the KOKORO at school. Here, we present a lot of fun to you. Classmates at all and always fuss. Heart is the most popular at school, you are playing with everyone today. At that moment, let's see. Heart stress character too, the popular literature. 8 years old. Gatz's younger sister. Fearthecutest Gatz, my brother. 18 years old. I love music and art.The only country in the BUTAYA DVD rental shop clerk. The study of Japanese classical literature too ボッド・・・ garden restaurant. In the human world that name is known as a professional and a person. The old man sitting at the head of the study of Japanese classical literature. 1007. The name is derived from the tale of Genji. I was still a woman from a young age. Google too... An alien in the study of Japanese classical literature, which engages in the garden. There is not known. Flying in the sky. I always go to where to travel, but always come back without knowing it. TooThe master of the country's only DVD BUTAYA rental shop. Dating in the beautiful teacher and Tiffany. Well, how the Universe Classics, which engages in the garden. There is not known. Always flying in the sky. I always go to the Google, but lost all the time. Tiffany too... The beauty of the new teacher. At the age of 22. She secretly Gatz arrived together. One day your heart is not tooAnd say to the end of a chime sound arranged regularly, a lot of good posture, sitting in his own way, students are scattered. In a talk at the rest time, he was not satisfied with the surrounding friends desk, waiting for mom's homemade cakes even at home, people go home. Well, my heart was eight years old and our colleagues gather in the dining room, while eating sweets and chattering, greeted the beauty of teacher staff room, the work of his older brother, DVD shopWith the help of my favorite romantic drama from the home, many story ideas in my head while I was asleep. I too popular, Shiori strings fluttering heart, a lot of friends and exchange greetings to the dining room. The closest from the counter, the round table was my favorite place. If

「? Nobody has come.... Google said that matters, not how to gather and 」

companion set tableSad only a few chairs lined up. The members to talk, there was little quirks, suddenly on the road, and it seemed like they don't know if during flying in the back light, and there was a strange. It's not surprising that now it is not the place to be at the heart of, for I thought that I feel like today, I was a bit dull. TooThe heart of the kitchen counter that view, to find a professional chef cooking is in charge of the rumors. Hey, hello

「 pod, 」
「 heart! Today, thank you all so much 」
「 hastily in another 」
「 palm. Suddenly a voice spoke to being surprised when I 」

or not, and the words he smiled, and hurriedly back to the kitchen and went away. I listen to my heart, where fellowWe talk to our dining room. To work with one heart and fly to the staff room. At the school is famous for beautiful teacher. The relationship between teachers and students, and they have a special relationship. She ate a heart to heart, like my sister, which was attached to her sister. Open the door to the staff room, for the first time in the eyes to the teacher. I

「. Hey, do you have a doctor, Tiffany? " Hi,
「. Tiffany, teacherI 」
「… back up in a hurry to work By the way. What a good day today is not what it was 」

today, I want to talk to your mood. At the heart of all not equal to two a day, the bending angle of the page as sulky. Besides the promise is not, can not blame anyone, but this is so. He complained that hanging heart and in my mind. Oh, I don't mind

「.The door of the room 」

come back to where you have led to the principal's office. I called at the door from the heart and head out into the old man's is our principal. To smile at heart tranquil, invites, come this way. In the morning, I always loved a woman, but he is out to talk about such a big heart, the principal is not friendly. What is

「? Gen. Today, I onWhat I was feeling down, it's just 」
「. It's news to you, old man 」

Gen taut good quality paper, took out her. A little difficult Kanji arranged for her to be little. Gen the state's eyes to see is charming, and slowly read that letter. In this study,

「 competition 」
「… creation story I applied for a snack, I 」
「 award, best 」
「… heart What? HeyJust do it! " The story of you, the heart that 」

and fly around, in a loud voice, tried desperately to become old Gen; round and round it. The secret of the story before sleep every night. Girl you don't know the words, made of hard feelings, just a straight piece of hiragana, beat of the heart. I

「 gen, old man, "it's unbelievable!
「 ha-ha, undeniably, a true story. Happy heart, 1993)
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