Good afternoon.
As per instruction below from FGM Mr. Kamifuji, kindly disseminate again information to all mo/eo engrs & workers:
1. No entry of plastic water bottles (pet bottles) inside ER
2. Use of white waste cloth for m/e, shaft, generator, inside tanks and unload immediately
3. Close monitoring of local waste cloth usage, collect immediately all used waste cloth after using and unload (on the same day)
. Good Afternoon
. As per instruction from Below FGM Mr. Kamifuji, again kindly Disseminate information to all mo / eo Engrs & workers:
. 1 No entry of Plastic Water Bottles (Bottles pet) inside ER
. 2 Use of white cloth for waste M / e, SHAFT, Generator, inside Tanks and Unload Immediately
3. Close Monitoring of local waste cloth usage, collect all USED Immediately after using waste cloth and Unload (on the same day)

Good afternoon.
As below 0.5 per instruction from FGM Mr Kamifuji kindly again, Subperitoneal nodules produced information to all workers:
Mo / EO Engrs & 1.0 No entry of plastic water bottles. ER PET bottles inside. 2. Use waste of white cloth for M / E,,, shaft generator inside the tanks and unload immediately at 3 Close monitoring usage of local, waste clothCollect all waste cloth used immediately after using and unload on the same day)