Introduction to thinking about space (length, distance) and time (clock) and mass. When in the special theory of relativity, the length of the object in a stationary inertial objects stationary inertial with velocity υ motion, direction of motion, speed of light on c to shrink (Lorentz contraction and) decreased to vertical motion and no compliance remains unclear. Also in a stationary inertial clock ticks slowly ticking when Δ t, the clock is against stationary inertial motion with velocity υ,... When another object in a stationary inertial mass m, object stationary inertial with velocity υ motion increases. Here shrink to this length and delay to watch and are shrinks really actual, real, or increase or mass to increase, without the observation of apparent on thinking about that won't shrink actually shrink, just looks or increases, delays, or increased. Apparent observation, interpretation of description and interpretation of the special theory of relativity ever, textbooks and manuals, enlightenment book, all are taken first, actually shrink, or increase, but here is a real interpretation of the mistake on the show that must be seen and shrink, to increase or... It originally (i.e. delayed the increase) and in relativity represent the real physical world except for those related to light, but actually would suggest that think, including general relativity theory of relativity as a whole, it is no longer represent real physical world is interpreted, by discussing it it errors and is not... First full length contraction, inertial systems S ' in length are still S ' shrinks and when to motion with velocity υ inertial system S in the direction of the length, seen from the inertia of S, S (mapped into S) observed that... Namely to is shrinking depicted on a S S ' in of itself is not, and even though. Which ever of the special theory of relativity, S ' of in the wrong and actually shrink in length itself is moving from static,... Observations shrinks shrink the real value of the length of trying, confusing reality with observations, and observations as well as real value shrinks it. Or trying to shrink beyond real values observed 縮meba, apparent in real ones on the equate. Speed is a relative thing here, from S ' from S also the same can be said...... the length that's still S ' from shrink compared to the (S ' to mapped). S real is not squashed. In short though from two kinds of relative velocity υ inertial try against each other, and in fact both shrinks not, looks are squashed together. That is important because it had this really, not any shrink both book and observed dynamics with new, unwritten ever of textbooks and manuals, enlightenment book, etc.