なんで?(笑)いいのではないですか?自分でこれは要らないと思えば身体を傷つける訳でないので対した事ではないですょwピアスとかあける時にそれは翻訳 - なんで?(笑)いいのではないですか?自分でこれは要らないと思えば身体を傷つける訳でないので対した事ではないですょwピアスとかあける時にそれは英語言う方法


ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Why not? Not in Nice (laughs)? Translation if you don't need it in my body hurt isn't thing not so much if physically during drilling or let's w Pierce it is frequently asked, but from deliberate self-mutilators, parents got touched without permission or NYO often is said in the book course treatment is needed but not avairable earrings w I list cat was that people so that their presence'm sure seems so. Because it requires cooperation of the doctor's personality became no. 1 and people around understanding and cooperation are NYO (^-^)-w
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Why? (Laughs) Is not nice to at? Toka but it is often limited as to time yourself this is drilling Desu~yo w Pierce Toka is not that it was against it because it does not mean to hurt your body as you if you did not need, do not When arbitrarily hurt to list cut, etc., it got from the parent body well it is told in Japan Yo w I that people and I never will have love Pierce was a list cut is necessary of course because so have confirmed their presence in doing so treatment. It is cooperation of nice personality doctor is also required, but No. 1 became cause and familiar people of understanding and cooperation Desu~yo (^ over ^) Bruno w
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Why? (laughs) I don't? Physical harm to yourself and don't want this translation is not because it's time to make it well and pierce or the like, it is necessary to cut the list, of course, I don't care from parents to do body hurt and I often said Japan's list, I will cut you open it, but Pierce it so that people who make sure to do so.And the No. 1 cause of familiar people's understanding and cooperation (^ France w it I need a good personality is the medical cooperation
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