ボッダ川(ガンジス川)の作り出す肥沃なデルタ地帯。この川の恵みと緑の豊かさは、その当時から今に至るまで少しも変わるところはありません。この美翻訳 - ボッダ川(ガンジス川)の作り出す肥沃なデルタ地帯。この川の恵みと緑の豊かさは、その当時から今に至るまで少しも変わるところはありません。この美英語言う方法



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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Border river (River Ganges) produce fertile Delta.Not so far changed little until now from at that time, the richness of the blessings of this river and the green.As you can see this beautiful landscape here is originally the land is.Even though a lot of people in this country are very poor.It is rather difficult to get daily bread and buying cars and appliances and its poverty is that of poverty, not the impending poverty.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Bodda fertile delta zones created by the river (Ganges).
Grace and green of the richness of this river, there is no place where a little also vary from that time and until now.
As can be seen from this beautiful landscape, here I originally rich land. Nevertheless, many of the people of this country are suffering in poverty. And with that poverty rather than of kind that it is not possible to buy a car or home electronics poverty,'s the poverty that was imminent, such as that also difficult to obtain the daily bread.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
ボッダ river Ganges) produce fertile Delta area. The abundance of grace and of the green river, where there is no change at all until now. As you can see, this beautiful scenery here originally rich land. Despite a lot of people in this country is economically. Poverty and that cannot be further at its poverty to buy cars and consumer electronics, but hard to get food to the poor. At
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