欲得を離れた公平かつ冷静な知識がなければ、人類は己の存在する価値も罪も理解できないからです。この宇宙で起きている事実を表現するためには人間個翻訳 - 欲得を離れた公平かつ冷静な知識がなければ、人類は己の存在する価値も罪も理解できないからです。この宇宙で起きている事実を表現するためには人間個英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Without a fair and level-headed knowledge away from self-interested, humanity doesn't get to present his own worth also guilt. An attempt to express the fact happening in this space, beyond human individual intelligence becomes mandatory. Is that working through you. Poor English, I'm sorry.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
If there is no fair and calm knowledge leaves the Yokutoku, humanity is because value also can not even understand the crime in the presence of his own. Attempts beyond the limits of the human individual intelligence becomes essential to express the fact that it is happening in the universe. Its work is because you were there running. I'm sorry by poor English.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
That cool knowledge must be fair and disinterested, humanity value in the presence of his sin because you can't understand. Taking place in this universe that go beyond the limits of human individual intelligence for the representation of the facts will be required. Because you are performing the work. Sorry for my poor English.
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