自分を守るには欧米やアフリカ、アジア、南米、世界全体で大勢の人が死にました。特に女性の暴行や殺害がひどい状況です。アメリカ以外の国も同様であ翻訳 - 自分を守るには欧米やアフリカ、アジア、南米、世界全体で大勢の人が死にました。特に女性の暴行や殺害がひどい状況です。アメリカ以外の国も同様であ英語言う方法


テロリスト は身近な存在といえます。


MKultra 3
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
To help protect yourselfMany people died in the Western, Africa, Asia, South America, world-wide.It is especially bad women beating and killing.As well as in countries other than the United States.Soldiers and police are all brainwashed.Police and military personnel requires attention.However you do not notice any person.Already many violent incidents and or acquitted after arrestThat it is present.America makes the locations all over the world.Many countries do with the United States.For example, Nagoya University United States and in collaboration with many research and Development conducts.X-ray telescopes use the satellite it is.You will notice a lot of people.If any relationship with terrorists in the United StatesMany people have been killed, rape (rape) is that.Terrorist is a familiar presence.The other day, murder by students of Nagoya University news.Kanagawa prefectural police are women, rape is also there are articles that have dropped the most.As many incidents as well as the Aichi Prefectural Police had systematically hiding the affair.Invisible damage spread throughout (not damaged)How do I protect myself?I would recommend to be self-supporting.When the damage wasAs many of you let that fact.Also 起kosete the heinous crimes in circumstances not try anyoneNature in many people and will deter crime.Known works as a major violent crime deterrent.It is easy to obtain and examine the information in the information society.What is most important to it is.To share informationThere are people who create flyers and are put in the mailbox.Every day is like has helped several people.It is nice to enjoy.Let me introduce helpful.Please use freely.MKultra 3Please contact many agencies as possible. As much as possible and contact with many locals take.Spread the information that is most important.You can only disseminate information and greatly reduce the unnecessary expense.Appreciate the upper reaches of the world to spread the information.Public information is valid to stop the coup. The strongest weapon.Please refer to utilizing a "Megan's law. Fight incident will have subsided.It is recommended to do this on a regular basis./////////
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Myself a Mamoru To
Europe , Africa , Asia , South America, the entire world in many of the people is death increased to .
Especially to women of assault and murder is terrible and the situation is .
The United States other than the country is also similar is .
Military and police is brainwashing everyone has been .
All the world of police and military personnel to note the need is .
However, the person is care no Kukoto .
Already in multi- Kuno violent crime is later arrested in non-prosecution or become
that is the current situation is .
The United States around the world to base the work has Tsu .
Multi- Kuno country and the United States relationship has been .
Example For example if Nagoya America and co- in multi- Kuno research and development the line has Tsu .
Satellite to the use cormorants X-ray telescope, etc. is .
Multi- Kuno people is care you will not either .
If the United States of terrorist and relationship if there
multi- Kuno person is killed is , rape and (sexual assault) would have been .
Terrorists familiar a presence it will say that .
The other day, Nagoya University of students due to the murder case is now in the news .
Kanagawa prefectural police in women is rape, etc. be almost a non-prosecution that are in article there is .
Aichi Prefectural Police also similar to multi- Kuno incident the organizational to hide it as had been Pay incident has become .
Nationwide in wide want to see Enoi damage (care or not damage)
myself the Mamoru what to do is in order .
I is the independence you that the recommendation will fit .
Damage when it was in
as much as possible multi- Kuno way to the fact that the knowledge , please let et al .
Who fir not situation in heinous a crime to cause Kose also
multi- Kuno people there are in the nature and the crime is deterrence is .
The well-known that the heinous crime of large deal of deterrence as together you can .
Information society of the inside in the information the the tone Bethari get it that easy is .
The most important thing from now on what I am either a .
Information a share to a flyer work I mail received in only input are people There are . Several people every day of people is assistant seems to have bought . Hee It is good to I get Nde . Reference to introduce will be . Freedom to your advantage , please . MKULTRA 3 as much as possible multi- Kuno institution and contact , please . As much as possible multi- Kuno branch and contact with the acquisition , please Tsu . Information the wide and Melco is the most important matter is . Information the wide only Mel waste of sacrifice a significantly to reduction You can lath . The world of the upper part is information the wide that Mel high rather than evaluation will . Information disclosure is a coup stop to Mel effective is . Strongest of weapons you will . Megan method a reference to the use of , please . War without'll incident has subsided will continue to . Periodically in line it your Ukoto recommendation will fit . /////////

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