ロシアの外貨準備は、5分の2以上をアメリカ国債が、占めている。市場のボラティリティが高まった場合、中央銀行として、通常の一連の流動性供給措置翻訳 - ロシアの外貨準備は、5分の2以上をアメリカ国債が、占めている。市場のボラティリティが高まった場合、中央銀行として、通常の一連の流動性供給措置英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The U.S. government bonds, foreign exchange reserves of Russia, accounting for more than two-five minutes.
If the volatility of the market has increased, I have shown the idea that as the central bank to carry out the liquidity supply a series of measures normal.
Debt, and conflict with the default (default) events, cross default provisions other obligations is also considered to be the default, not the United States government bonds.
Therefore, only bond redemption and interest payment is not fulfilled, is considered the default.
In the market,It has seen the United States government bonds that will interest payments or maturity, in early November and late October, and the most dangerous, the past few weeks, the United States government bond yields in question, continue to rise.
From any concern that, if they were held about the U.S. government bonds that became default, money market funds and bond funds from
(MMF), there is a possibility that the funds are pulled simultaneously.
Such as the MMF, but has become the lenders of funds in the repo market,Service cancellation recourse if investors Fukurame, to rack up the cash without a loan. Bank and so on.
Since 1979, expanding by leaps and bounds, importance as collateral American government bonds also increased along with it, in payment default, panic if it happens, derivatives and repo markets (derivatives) market, stopped lending ,
risk assets outage, such as stock is sold market.
No legal provisions MMF is called, must sell American government bonds that default.
If this is the default, and is a lower possibility of panic selling occurs.
However, already, bond risk of support
payment delay is high is avoided, such as funds Fidelity Investments, PIMCO, JP Morgan Asset Management, BlackRock is operated.
Traders, principal or redemption, well in advance, a notification to the effect that the interest payment is late, if you are from the Ministry of Finance, measures to extend the maturity of the government bonds are possible.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Russia's foreign currency reserves occupies 5-2 over the United States Government bonds.
Idea if heightened market volatility, the Central Bank conducted liquidity measures in a series of regular shows.
Cross-default provisions deemed to violate debt debt default reasons, and also of other debt default not in United States Government bonds.
Regarded thus, bond interest payment and redemption did not fulfill only the default.
In the marketU.S. Government bond yields and U.S. Government bonds to maturity date or interest payment scheduled beginning in late October and 11-is the most dangerous, the past few weeks continues to rise.
Because of concerns that U.S. bonds defaulted how owns, or
that might be salvaged funds en masse from bond funds and money market Fund (MMF).
Including MMF have become lenders in the repo market, butWithout rental 膨らめば investors churn, reimbursement claims, and storing up cash. The same bank.
Repo markets and derivatives (financial derived products) will have exponentially increased since 1979, the increasing importance of U.S. Government bonds as collateral, along with it stopped the panic happens, failure to pay rental
sold risk assets, such as outages and stock market.
Not to sell U.S. Government bonds do default MMF, the legal provisions.
If you default it has less possibility of panic selling.
Already managed, fidelity investments, PIMCO, JP Morgan asset management, BlackRock funds, such as bearing
has avoided high risk payment delays for bonds.
Measures extend the maturities of the bonds trader is notified sufficiently in advance late principal repayment or interest payments from the Ministry of finance, and.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
As for the Russian foreign reserve, an American national debt holds more than two-fifths.
When ボラティリティ of the market rises, I show a thought to carry out normal a series of fluidity supply steps as a central bank.
When a debt conflicts with a default (a default on an obligation) reason, an American national debt doesn't have the cross default article that the other debts are considered to be a default.
Therefore, only the bond that an interest payment and repayment weren't carried out is considered to be a default.
In the market,An American national debt to schedule in a repayment time limit or an interest payment in the end of October and the beginning of November is considered to be the most dangerous, and U.S.A. national debt interest rate to fall under continues rising for recent weeks.
Out of concern how hold the American national debt that became the nonfulfillment, a fund may be called back all at once by a
bond fund and a money market fund (MMF).
The MMF becomes the soup stock hand of the fund in a report market,If the cancellation of a contract / the reimbursement of the investor swells out, I store up cash without loaning it. The bank is similar, too.
If a report market and the derivative (a derivative financial instrument) market spread drastically after 1979, and the importance as the security of the U.S.A. national debt rises with it and I pay it and have a panic by nonfulfillment, a loan stops it, and a breakdown, a risk asset including the stock are sold to the
There isn't the legal rule to have to sell the American national debt that MMF did a default of.
When this does a default, I lower the possibility that panic selling happens.
But the bond which is at great risk of of the 支
payment delay has already avoided the funds that フィデリティ・インベストメンツ, PIMCO, JP Morgana asset management, Blacklock manage.
If there is the notice of capital repayment or an interest payment being delayed enough beforehand from Ministry of Finance, a step to postpone the repayment time limit of the national debt concerned enables the trader.
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