According to an additional order from you, I correct the charged amoun翻訳 - According to an additional order from you, I correct the charged amoun英語言う方法

According to an additional order fr

According to an additional order from you, I correct the charged amount of the credit card.

We pack skirt and Topps and send it out.

Please refer to the information below regarding your order.

Below is the product you ordered.

Please check if the order is correct.


Please check the below total amount to be billed and then kindly send us your confirmation e-mail.

We will charge the above amount from your credit card only after receiving your confirmation e-mail.

Tops will ship along with the skirt. We will charge to your credit card by adding the price and shipping.
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]




順序が正しいかどうか確認してください。 http://global.rakuten。請求されるには、以下の合計金額を確認し、親切に私達にあなたの確認の電子メールを送信します。


結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
According to an additional order from you, I correct the charged amount of the credit card.

We pack skirt and Topps and send it out...

Please refer to the information below regarding your order...

Below is the product you ordered.

Please check if the order is correct.

http://global.rakuten.../ com/en/store/chocolaputa/item/RM-4433


Please check the below total amount to be billed and then kindly send us your confirmation e-mail...

We will charge the above amount from your credit card only after receiving your confirmation e-mail...

Tops will ship along with the skirt. We will charge to your credit card by adding the price and shipping.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
According to an additional order from you, I correct the charged amount of the credit card.

We pack skirt and Topps and send it out.

Please refer to the information below regarding your order.

Below is the product you ordered.

Please check if the order is correct.


Please check the below total amount to be billed and then kindly send us your confirmation e-mail.

We will charge the above amount from your credit card only after receiving your confirmation e-mail.

Tops will ship along with the skirt. We will charge to your credit card by adding the price and shipping.
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