December 14, 2015 Sunday
8:40 . maize to Mitsuki program at the level of human society, subtle energy - Li is covered with a curse to the flow itself of the gods of -. investigation whether or not there is a trick to interfere with the coding case 3 point 1. negative God at the end of the stage in human society level subtle energy -. You have a way of covering a curse to the flow itself . 2. A total of some eight members ① heaven was placed - negative God in subtle energy of grabbed human biological matrix - of flow ② heaven and gods of Mitsuki the project is using borrowed pair - of biological matrix of human, that are set to friends di subtle energy - of flow ③ around the world socialist, communist biological matrix of subtle energy - of flow ④ star gods strong under the influence religious leaders of the biological matrix of subtle energy - of flow ⑤ volunteer Group --flops of re - da - us subtle energy of the biological matrix - of flow ⑥ Li peace movement around the world - da - our biological matrix of subtle energy - of flow ⑦ subtle energy of the biological matrix of influential thinkers around the world - of flow ⑧ world of flow - in the stars of the gods of strong artists of biological matrix of subtle energy under the influence Regardless release the curse that was put in - subtle energy of the biological matrix of 3. above-mentioned people.