Dear Client,   Thank you for your application to open a trading accoun翻訳 - Dear Client,   Thank you for your application to open a trading accoun英語言う方法

Dear Client, Thank you for your a

Dear Client,

Thank you for your application to open a trading account with FxPro.
Please be advised that before we are able to proceed with the activation of your trading account, we will require an alternative proof of residence document for our records, as the one provided is not one of our required documents. Unfortunately, we do not accept investment fund statements.
As proof of residence you may provide us with a full page copy (scanned from the original) of an official utility bill, bank statement or local authority tax bill, stating your full name and correct residential address, and dated within the last six months period.
Should you have any questions at any time, please contact us via live chat support which you can access through our company website, by emailing

Kind Regards,
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Dear Client, Thank you for your application to open a trading account with FxPro.   Please be advised that before we are able to proceed with the activation of your trading account, we will require an alternative proof of the residence document for our records, as the one provided is not one of our required documents. Unfortunately, we do not accept investment fund statements.   As proof of residence you may provide us with a full page copy (scanned from the original) of an official utility bill, bank statement or local authority tax bill, stating your full name and correct residential address, and dated within the last six months period.   Should you have any questions at any time, please contact us via live chat support which you can access through our company website, by emailing Kind Regards,
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Dear Client, Thank You For Your Application To Open A Trading Account With FxPro. Please Be Advised That Before We Are Able To Proceed With The Activation Of Your Trading Account, We Will Require An Alternative Proof Of Residence Document For Our Records, As The One Provided Is Not One Of Our Required Documents. Unfortunately, We Do Not Accept Investment Fund Statements. As Proof Of Residence You May Provide Us With A Full Page Copy (Scanned From The Original) Of An Official Utility Bill, Bank Statement Or Local Authority Tax Bill, Stating Your Full Name And Correct Residential Address, And Dated Within The Last Six Months Period. Should You Have Any Questions At Any Time, Please Contact Us Via Live Chat Support Which You Can Access Through Our Company Website Www.Fxpro.Com, Emailing Backofficeattofxpro.Com By. Kind Regards,




結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
All Dear Client,Thank you for your application to open a trading account with FxPro.HotelTo be advised that Please before we are able proceed with the activation of your trading account, we will require an alternative proof of residence, document for our records as the one provided is not one of our Unfortunately required documents. We do not accept, investment fund statementsHotelProof of residence As you may provide us with a full page from the original scanned copy of an official in a utility bill or bank statement, local tax authority bill, stating your full name and residential address and correct all, dated within the last six months periodHotelShould you have any questions please contact us at any time, via live chat support through which you can access our website www. fxpro foods company. Com, by emailing backoffice fxpro. Com.Kind Regards,
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