結局私は、中学校では将来の夢は決まりませんでした。しかし私は、行きたかった高校に進むことができました。昔から医療の分野に憧れていたので、看護翻訳 - 結局私は、中学校では将来の夢は決まりませんでした。しかし私は、行きたかった高校に進むことができました。昔から医療の分野に憧れていたので、看護英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
After all I was in junior high school dreams for the future is not subject to.But I was in high school I wanted to go forward.In the so longed for the medical field from the old nurseWent to the school of science.Has the study days aimed at medical information managers who became more interested in the out now, we learn about the nurse.At that time, if the teacher hadn't advice, may was going to high school near the homes of the ordinary.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
I, in the junior high school did not determine the future of a dream after all.
But I was able to proceed to the high school that I wanted to go.
Since I had been longing for a long time in the field of medical care, with the goal of nurse
and went to the science of school.
Now, with the aim of medical care information management officer with a more interested in while you continue to learn about nurse I have been studying every day.
At that time, if you do not give me the teacher for advice, you might was going to an ordinary high school near the house.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
In the end, I was in junior high school is not determined the dream in the future.However, I was able to go to senior high school.In the medical field, so long as the target of nursesSchool of advanced science and technology.Now, the nurses in the study to aim at health information manager with more interested to study every day.At that time, if you don't give advice to teachers, ordinary high school go home in May.
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