TDPI戸羽工場長CC遠藤社長いつもお世話になっております。N2タンク設置に関わる付随工事の見積もり書を添付致しました。お手数でも、ご査収お翻訳 - TDPI戸羽工場長CC遠藤社長いつもお世話になっております。N2タンク設置に関わる付随工事の見積もり書を添付致しました。お手数でも、ご査収お英語言う方法




OP-1、カンティーン横に設置。見積もり金額 P1,050,000ペソ
OP-2、正面玄関側に設置。見積もり金額 P900,000ペソ


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
TDPIToba plant managerCCPresident EndoAlways take care....We attach a quotation of ancillary works related to N2 tank installation.Please also ask your acceptance inspection.At the op-1, next to the canteen. Estimated amount of P1, 050, 000-PesoOP-2, front entrance to the establishment. Estimated amount of P900, 000 pesosIn the above quote, tank, fence, water supply, drainage, main power and areaLighting and OP-1 included some dismantling of the existing canteen.Permit, submit by PTGI tank system drawings and documentsApplying under the name of our estimates are organized.Also PTGI like that when applying for permits, inspection, such as from PEZA to accompany him during the q & a sessionThank you for your response.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

Toba plant
Endo president

always has been taken care of.
N2 we attach a quote accompanying construction work involved in the tank installation.
Also in trouble, we will Sashu please.

OP-1, installed next to Canteen. Estimated amount P1,050,000 pesos
OP-2, installed on the front door side. Estimated amount P900,000 pesos

in the above quote, tank foundation, fence, water supply, drainage, main power, of area
lighting, the OP-1 and a part demolition of the existing Canteen.

Allow relationships, drawing on the tank system, documents will be submitted from PTGI like
we become to estimate what you want to apply at our company name.
In addition, the PTGI like, at the time of permit application, your travel companions at the time of inspection, such as the question of from PEZA
thank you for your support.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
TDPIToba factoryCCPresident endoThank you for your continuous support.In N tank is attached to an estimate of related work.In trouble, please check and accept.OP, canteen side. Estimate the amount P 1 050,, 10000 PesoOP 2 on the side of the front door. Estimate the amount of P, 900 000 pesosBasic tank, water supply, drainage, fence, the main power supply to the estimation of the areaLighting, OP Part 1 includes the demolition of existing canteen.The relationship between the permission for tank system, the documents as submitted by PTGITo estimate the contents and application in our name.In addition, as shown in the PTGI, permit, inspection, along PEZA questions such asI would like to ask for your support.
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