The Microsoft Word and Excel comes with a translation function. Here, let's commentary will be given word (later 2007) as an example. To translate the entire file to select [Review] from the toolbar, and then click the place that has been written as [Translation] from [language]. Click the [Translation Selection of language], to select the language you want to translate the original language in the selection of document translation language, and then click [OK]. To select [Review] → [language] → [Translation] again from the toolbar, and then click. When you click Send, you will see the Web browser is rising translation results. ※ Because you are sent unencrypted, care must be taken in handling such sensitive documents. I want to translate how to use part of word2007 subsequent translation function If you right-click where you like in the file menu appears. Select the [Translation] from this → The display window is that [research]. Click the "▼" to the right of [all of dictionary class] and written box, and then select [Translation]. If you click on the word you want to translate it while holding down the [Alt] on the keyboard, the results are displayed. Also, if you want to translate the text, select the text you want to translate, and then click the selection while holding down the [Alt]. It is possible to easily translate such benefits ... entire file-portion. Flame Ali in accuracy for the disadvantages ... machine translation. Not encrypted. Google Translate There is machine translation service provided by Google. Since it is only to upload a file, it is very easy. Go to Google Translate site, and then click the bottom right [to the document translation]. In helping you choose a Word or Excel file, you can select the language to translate the original language. When you press the [Translation] button at the top right, you the translation results in a separate window appears. ※ Because you are sent unencrypted, care must be taken in handling such sensitive documents. As simple as uploading the benefits ... file. Flame Ali in accuracy for the disadvantages ... machine translation. Not encrypted.