何気なく、横に縞模様のカラフルな衣装を一見すると”ミツバチ”のデザインを連想した。しかしよく見ると可愛い足が2本、そして胴体もオーバルの形、翻訳 - 何気なく、横に縞模様のカラフルな衣装を一見すると”ミツバチ”のデザインを連想した。しかしよく見ると可愛い足が2本、そして胴体もオーバルの形、英語言う方法


It's wonderdul !!
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Dressed casually, with colorful stripes next to it seems associated with the "Bee" design. But if you look cute feet are two, and the fuselage was oval-shaped, OK.This is imagined from the egg-shaped fuselage, surely, surely "chick". I thought soBut even in the feathers of the back and side striped costume, I still the bees!Bright colors of spring seasons by the tone of the color of the whole picture is very gentle, well balanced view and issue full of healing.I felt competent and very professional.It's wonderdul!
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Casually, and next to first glance the colorful costumes of the stripes were reminiscent of the design of the "bees". But look closely cute feet two, and fuselage also oval in shape, it has been found OK.
This is to imagine the fuselage from the shape of an egg, surely, there must be "chick". So I thought
, however if the stripes on the wings and horizontal back also to see costumes, I'm still the bees!
Bright green of spring is a seasonal feeling, very gently overall color tone photo, but full of the ISSUE is healing to those who look well-balanced.
I felt very professional competence.
It's wonderdul !!
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Casual colorful striped dress at first glance sideways "bee" Design Association. However, lovely and two legs, and the body of the oval shape, OK.This is a picture from the body shape of egg, chick, "must". I think soBut think laterally and striped back feather clothes, I have also bee!There is a sense of the season of spring, bright green, the color tone of the whole picture is very kind, but on balance it full of ISSUE healingI felt very professional ability.It wonderdul "s equation
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