、ISDA(国際スワップ・デリバティブ協会)が作成した基本契約書のことをいい、世界中でデリバティブ取引をする際の市場標準となっている。本契約翻訳 - 、ISDA(国際スワップ・デリバティブ協会)が作成した基本契約書のことをいい、世界中でデリバティブ取引をする際の市場標準となっている。本契約英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
, It has become the market standard for that refers to a basic agreement (International Swaps and Derivatives Association) has created isda, make a derivative transactions all over the world. Based on the concept when performing relative to derivative transactions, and let us determine the framework and basic rules and the other party in advance, this Agreement, have been commonly used in the market by financial institutions to participate mainly. As for individual transactions, on a transaction-by-transaction basis "transaction details simple (content confirmation:Signed a confirmation) ", together with the basic agreement, it is made to function as a contract of the whole transaction.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
The market of derivatives trading in the world created by ISDA (International Swaps and Derivatives Association) agreement that has become standard. This agreement is if you do derivatives trading relative to commonly used in primarily participating financial institutions, based on the idea that I will set basic rules and frameworks with other market. About the individual transactions, transaction every simple ' register ( contents confirmation:Confirmation ) ", fit the base agreement and, to function as the overall trading agreement.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
,I say the basic contract which ISDA (association of international swap derivative) made, and it is a market standard when I do derivative business all over the world. When I perform derivative business in facing each other, it is based on a way of thinking how it is said to decide an opponent and a basic rule and frame beforehand, and this contract is generally used in the market where a financial institution participates in mainly. In addition, about the individual business, it is easy every business [business details (contents confirmation,:,]I shake コンファメーション)] and match it with a basic contract and functionalize it as a contract of the whole business.
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