Are you at the drying time is listed in the catalog for 6 hours. I think at that time, perhaps because of high temperature drying. At last, at the center of each image, I try to see the finished painting, film thickness uniformity in the process of the problem is that to Sato. At at it in the film thickness and the processing of oil under the mud, but it is probable that the painting is considered. AtInformation criterion for understanding of the condition of the site. Please confirm the following information collection of happiness when you are painful. Road equipment used for processing the floor up at the back coating piece at the bottom up process was confirmed at the oil separating mud removal at, or using a cleaning agent, stirring at measures at the enlarged image at any place where? What is going on at the diluted to imagine the situation of the minimum required. The information I have let me know again gradually. Because of the chemicals, paint atThe result is to be honest. Well and good, but the process is performed at the error handling, and it is said that any paint, in fact it is not able to exert the maximum peck. At