・有形株主資本の 3%を超えるヘッジファンドやプライベート・エクイティー・ファンドへの投資の禁止 ・デリバティブ規制(銀行) 一部のデリバテ翻訳 - ・有形株主資本の 3%を超えるヘッジファンドやプライベート・エクイティー・ファンドへの投資の禁止 ・デリバティブ規制(銀行) 一部のデリバテ英語言う方法

・有形株主資本の 3%を超えるヘッジファンドやプライベート・エクイティ

・有形株主資本の 3%を超えるヘッジファンドやプライベート・エクイティー・ファンドへの投資の禁止
・デリバティブ規制(銀行) 一部のデリバティブ取引運用を子会社に分離して行う。
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
- Perform in a separate, subsidiary operation of derivative transactions (bank) inhibits some
derivatives regulation of investments in private equity funds and hedge funds of more than 3% of tangible shareholders' equity.
• For credit default swaps held by the bank, conditions
and credit rating agencies to (nrsro), liquidation of a centralized clearing organization neutral
is a third-party organization and its inspection at least once a year against The mandatory disclosure of the results
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
-Ban on investment to exceed 3% of the tangible shareholders ' equity hedge fund and private equity fund
, separate subsidiary derivatives Regulation (the Bank) some derivative trading operations, and do.
-On the credit default swaps held by banks, neutral
liquidation in third-party, centralized clearinghouse condition
, mandating the public inspection of the credit rating agencies ( NRSRO ), against at least once and as a result
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
I separate in the subsidiary and perform the derivative business use of prohibited
/ derivative regulation (a bank) part of the investment in hedge fund and private Equity fund more than 3% of the ・ tangible capital stock.
About the credit default swap that the ・ bank holds, the settlement in the intensive settlement organization which is a neutral
third party makes the exhibition of inspection once a year older than and the result to face condition
/ a trust rating engine (NRSRO) mandatory
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