秘術「風起こし」の①②の効果はそれぞれ1ターンに1度しか使用できない。①:自分フィールドに「異変」モンスターが召喚された場合に発動できる。墓翻訳 - 秘術「風起こし」の①②の効果はそれぞれ1ターンに1度しか使用できない。①:自分フィールドに「異変」モンスターが召喚された場合に発動できる。墓英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Numerology "wind prone" (1) (2) of each effect cannot be used only once to one turn.(1): you can be fired if the summoned Monster "incident" in the field.Select the incident resolution level 4 or lower monster from the graveyard and special summon it. Effects of the monster special summoned by this effect are negated. In addition, after the imposition of this effect until end of turn their only "something unusual" monster from your extra deck cannot be special summoned.(2): discard 1 card 1 Spellcaster-type cemetery level 4 or lower "incident" monster you can tribute to.That monster to your hand.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Effect of ①② arcane "wind cause" is only able to use each once per turn.
①: you can activate when the "accident" the monster is summoned to your field.
Choose a level 4 or less of "accident solution" monster from the graveyard and special summon. The effect of the special summoned monster by this effect is invalidated. In addition, after the imposition of this effect, their own until the end of turn can not be Special Summoned from the Extra Deck only "accident" monster.
②: discard a card from your hand can activate to the subject a Level 4 or lower Spellcaster "accident" monster of the cemetery.
Add that monster to your hand.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The wind caused the "secret" of the ①② effect are used only once per turn."1" to your side of the field events can be summoned monster.From the cemetery below level 4 "incident" is selected as the solution to special summon a monster. This special summons a monster to negate the effects. In addition, this effect after the engine until end of turn. "" I only put extra special summon monsters from the deck.To ②: hand can be invoked for the cemetery of discarding level 4 group Wizard "monster" incident.Add it to your hand.
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