日本共産党の愛知県委員会に集団ストーカーについて質問すると加害者リストなんていうものは存在しない。東京本部にもそんなものはない。と回答がある翻訳 - 日本共産党の愛知県委員会に集団ストーカーについて質問すると加害者リストなんていうものは存在しない。東京本部にもそんなものはない。と回答がある英語言う方法





ソース言語: -
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Questions about gang stalking, Aichi Prefecture Committee of the Communist Party of Japan andOffender list such thing does not exist.No that's Tokyo headquarters.And answers it seems.Why Tokyo head office know immediately and do not do?It seems some terrorists in cooperation with Japan, to earn big bucks.So it is making money by selling victims organizationsPlease make a note.I think it unlikely that build organizations that at least work for the underdog.Not use if you have the money for the weak?I think a lot of people build a mansion in this recession is full of self-interest.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
When asked about the population stalker in Aichi Prefecture Committee of the Japan Communist Party
does not exist what I say perpetrator list.
There is no such a thing in Tokyo headquarters.
And there seems to be answer. Why you would know immediately when not in the Tokyo headquarters? In Japan it seems to be some organizations that get a lot of money in cooperation to terrorists. Because it seems some organizations that are making money selling the victim , please be careful. At least activities to organizations for disadvantaged I think that it is unlikely that build the mansion. It would not of using for vulnerable if there is such money. Many people that build this recession the mansion You think I'm full of self-interest.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
This management course is designed for people, team leaders and supervisors managers who are looking to successfully manage people and bring the best out of their team In management this course you will learn some people essential strategies for managing teams, leading team members and team performance Basic enhancing management skills such as communication skills and negotiation skills will be covered highlighting the importance of knowing how to communicate more effectively with your team and motivate individuals and how to handle difficult A at a greater understanding of the importance of communication skills will also provide a negotiation team leaders and managers with the skills necessary to manage change and resolve conflict within your Team
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