私は、Aquafadasは将来、出版社の大きな利益を生むことを知っています。しかしながら、それは現在ではありません。日本での成功のシナリオは翻訳 - 私は、Aquafadasは将来、出版社の大きな利益を生むことを知っています。しかしながら、それは現在ではありません。日本での成功のシナリオは英語言う方法









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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
I know that the future, publishers of big profits Aquafadas.However, it is not current.Success in the Japan scenario is as follows.Japan publishers should be to release lots of PDF replica apply with Aquafadas.And should make part of the interactive content.It attracts subscribers to the emerging e-book market.Look at Japan's NEWSSTAND.Most PDF replicas.This is because at a very cheap cost that can be published.This is because very few subscribers of e-books.Sands is the produced interactive content for the event.They aimed at outside magazine market.This is because does not sell the interactive magazine.Interactive magazines is up to now no been successful.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
I, Aquafadas the future, you know that you make a big profit publishers. However, it is not currently. The success of the scenario in Japan is as follows. Publisher of Japan, using the Aquafadas, should release a lot of PDF replica app. And, even some of them, you should make the interactive content. The thing is, will attract subscribers to the market of a new e-book. Please look at the NEWSSTAND of Japan. Most is the PDF replica. Because, because I can be published at a very cheap cost. Because, because subscribers of e-books is very small. Sands will produce interactive content for the event. They are aimed at the market of non-magazine. This is because, the magazine of interactive because not sell. Interactive magazine, no one has been successful up to now.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
I Aquafadas future, knowing that the publisher make a big profit. Well, however, it is not present. Japan's success in the scenario is as follows. Publishing companies of Japan, Aquafadas, using a lot of PDF replica app should be released. Well then, part of the interactive content to make. At this new subscribers will attract Marquette e-books. StressJapanese NEWSSTAND. At most, PDF replica. Because of the very low cost can be published. Because of a very small e-book subscribers. The Suns too, interactive events for producing content. They are at the magazine is aimed at Marquette. At, since it does not sell magazines. The interactive magazine, until now has not been successful. Bet
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