久しぶりにFacebookの更新します!!お元気ですか??私は8月2からの夏休みをとても楽しんでいます!!誕生日サプライズをしてもらったり、翻訳 - 久しぶりにFacebookの更新します!!お元気ですか??私は8月2からの夏休みをとても楽しんでいます!!誕生日サプライズをしてもらったり、英語言う方法





ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Facebook update in a long time!
How are you doing?
I so enjoy summer holidays from 2 August!
Birthday surprise, or drinking with members of the baseball team or RIJF ( rock FES), childhood friend and high school friends or go to dinner, to Tokyo, to Disney, Kamakura and Enoshima, enjoying the summer!

Summer after almost a month already immediately September!
Echinacea has been chilly from the summer becoming fall, so I think summer is coming! Everyone watch out in the cold!

New work green apron from October! I want to learn things in the shops I love!

The pictures UP memories of August!
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
I will update of Facebook for the first time in a long time! !
How you doin '? ?
I am having so much fun the summer vacation from August 2! !
You can ask them to a birthday surprise, and drinking of a member of the baseball team, and go RIJF to (Rock Festival), and go to the rice and childhood friends and high school, and go to Tokyo play, Disney, Kamakura , and go to Enoshima, we are enjoying the summer vacation! September soon nearly a month of summer vacation is over! ! Since becoming chilly and becoming from summer to fall, it is time of year that I cheap Kazehiki dont not careful! Everyone please be careful not to catch a cold! I will work in the apron of the green new from October! I think you want to learn in various favorite shop! I will photograph UP memories of August!

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
For a long time of Facebook!! How are you at? August 2, I enjoyed the summer vacation from!! At or to a surprise birthday party members of the baseball club, and RIJF (rock or go to the high school friends, and his childhood friend to dinner, Tokyo, Disney, Kamakura, enoshima, is enjoying the summer vacation! Nearly a month of summer vacation soon after 9 months!! AtFrom summer to autumn chilly, so as not to catch a cold, and I don't mind season! Everyone, please be careful to catch a cold! Well since October in green Apron New! I love you and want to learn a lot! Photo of UP August of memories! At
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