授業のおわりを告げるチャイムが鳴り響くと、規則正しく並んだ席に、姿勢よく座っていた沢山の生徒たちが、思い思いに散らばっていく。休み時間のお喋翻訳 - 授業のおわりを告げるチャイムが鳴り響くと、規則正しく並んだ席に、姿勢よく座っていた沢山の生徒たちが、思い思いに散らばっていく。休み時間のお喋英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
I had plenty of students sitting posture well seats ringing the Bell end of the class, and ordered the scattered thoughts.Those who tired of vacation time in talking with friends around the desk at home waiting for Mama's home-made cakes or turned for home at a smart trot.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
When the chime that mark the end of the lesson is blaring, to regularly and side-by-side seats, a lot of students who sat well attitude, go scattered in their own way.
Not satisfied with talk of vacation time, those who surround the desk with friends, whether, those who get in way home at a brisk trot waiting in homemade cake of mom in the house.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
And say to the end of a chime sound arranged regularly, a lot of good posture, sitting in his own way, students are scattered. In a talk at the rest time, he was not satisfied with the surrounding friends desk, waiting for mom's homemade cakes even at home, people go home.
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