反論できるか?この泥棒野郎!貴様がワイヤを再送してから何日経つ??普通は2日で完了する作業だぞ。どうして俺の元にだけ金が届かない??訳を言っ翻訳 - 反論できるか?この泥棒野郎!貴様がワイヤを再送してから何日経つ??普通は2日で完了する作業だぞ。どうして俺の元にだけ金が届かない??訳を言っ英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
You can argue? Thief you bastard! You resent the wire from what days? Working usually 2 days to complete.Why you do not receive money as my ex? To say, unscrupulous dealers! I was all to hell with my.Beggars of the worst, I'm absolutely I was unbeatable. Today police in Canada and Japan police to file a claim.I wouldn't scare tactics and lies. You from of like trash does not require collective world. And that enforcement is good.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Or it can be countered? The thief bastard! Differents goes many days from retransmit the wire? ? Usually is a work completed in two days.
Why money does not reach only to my original? ? I dare to say the reason, unscrupulous! Ochiro in differents we all hell.
Worst beggar us, I'm not allowed to absolutely differents et al. Issue a damage report to the Canadian police and Japanese police in today.
I will not say threatened or lie. There is no need to waste the population this world, such as the al differents. Quickly enforcement is is, but good.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Can you reply? This thief bastard! How many days passed from the wire to resend you?? It is usually completed in 2 days.Why is my money back only to reach? Vice, and say that! You all to hell.But the worst of a beggar, I will never forgive you. In today Canada police and damage to the authorities of the Japanese police.I won"t tell lies and threats. Like you don"t need to waste the world population. It is a good discipline.
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