渡辺美優紀 (NMB48チームBⅡ 、 SKE48チームS)NMB48デビューから4年になり、21歳の誕生日を迎え、多くのファンの皆様に、渡翻訳 - 渡辺美優紀 (NMB48チームBⅡ 、 SKE48チームS)NMB48デビューから4年になり、21歳の誕生日を迎え、多くのファンの皆様に、渡英語言う方法

渡辺美優紀 (NMB48チームBⅡ 、 SKE48チームS)NMB48

渡辺美優紀 (NMB48チームBⅡ 、 SKE48チームS)









渡辺 美優紀を 末永く、よろしく、お願い申し上げます。

何卒、汗と涙の結晶の輝きを 御覧下さいませ。

渡辺 美優紀のハートフル、エレガントの音楽の世界を


ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Watanabe Miyu Quaternary ( NMB48 team B Ⅱ, SKE48 team S )NMB48 debut, greeted the 21-year-old birthday, to 4 yearsMany fans of theWatanabe Miyu Quaternary wish debut solo debut.Many fans of beeing present 2014.Very much for continued for many fans of the encouragement, support, effort,Refined, to be made to make your heart deeply, resound,Like you can bring feelings of happiness and excitementWill my best.Watanabe Miyu age my life, thank you.Kindly, please see the brilliance of the Crystal of the sweat and tears.Elegant heart full of Miyu Watanabe, of the world of musicPlease enjoy.Sincerely and deeply thank you.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
(NMB48 team BⅡ, SKE48 Team S) Watanabe YoshiYuki it becomes four years from NMB48 debut, it celebrated its 21st birthday, to everyone of many fans, it will be the unveiling of the solo debut of the long-sought Watanabe YoshiYuki's. Nitorimashite everyone of many fans, it will be the best gift of 2014. It has the continued abiding everyone of many fans, for your support, support, your efforts, deep in the hearts of everyone, it resounded, singing voice that put sophisticated, the mind is, so that you can deliver the excitement and feeling of happiness I will continue my best luck. Forever Watanabe YoshiYuki, Regards, thank you. Humbly, Please see the brilliance of crystal sweat and tears. Heart full of Watanabe YoshiYuki, the world of music of elegance not please enjoy. Sincerely, deeply, thank you.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Watanabe Miyuki, too many of our fans / Watanabe Miyuki's team B II (NMB 48, 48 S team debut SKE )

NMB 48, four years to meet the 21st birthday of his debut solo debut. Everyone was in a lot of fans is the best gift to 2014. The change of the number of fans who is your encouragement, support, and he was given the sophistication, singing with heart, deep in your heart, echoes, tooHappy feeling and emotions as well as you can go. Love is forever, Watanabe Miyuki. I hope you will not see me is the blood, sweat, and tears. Miyuki Watanabe is the title of the world enjoy the elegant music. Deep in the heart, too, please. At
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