GEORGE BERNARD SHAW George Bemard Shaw was born in Dublin. Ireland, on July 26, 1856. His father was a small official. Bernard Shaw attended school which he didn't like and which he remembered as a boy prison. He went to school as a"day boy" which meat that he hand his afternoons free. And at home there was music always music. His mother had a beautiful voice, he himself and his sisters could sin gwell enough and there were, besides the piano, many other musical instruments always lying about. The sitting-room was seldom silent in the evening, and music came to play an important educative part in young Shaw's life. At the age of fourteen, after graduating from secondary school, Shaw was put into a job as clerk in a land agents ofice. The monotonous daily routine. the endless figures and forms, the feeling that he had become an insignificant part of a machine. all that alarmed the youth. In many things he was better informed than most of his fellow clerks. Shakespeare, Byron, Shelley and many other greal poets and writers had been read and re-read by him. At his job he was quite efficient and he had mastered the problems of his work without any difficulty. Yet he was far from being happy. Bemard Shaw felt that he had to leave and so in 1876 he said good-bye to Ireland and went to London