- プラン策定の背景と意義 -  大阪都市圏に循環型社会の全国的なモデルを形成することを目指すとともに、環境関連産業の振興を通じ大阪産業の活翻訳 - - プラン策定の背景と意義 -  大阪都市圏に循環型社会の全国的なモデルを形成することを目指すとともに、環境関連産業の振興を通じ大阪産業の活英語言う方法

- プラン策定の背景と意義 - 大阪都市圏に循環型社会の全国的なモデ

- プラン策定の背景と意義 -


- 地域特性・諸課題 -


- 先導的に整備すべきリサイクル施設 -


- 独創性・先駆性 -



ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]

-Planning background and significance-

recycling facilities for Osaka industrial vitalization, aims to form a nationwide model of recycling-oriented society in the Osaka metropolitan area, through the promotion of environment-related industries, introduced new technology and systems are important.

-Regional characteristics and challenges-

• raised large amounts of waste and national level compared to the low recycling rate
• environmental pollution by such waste disposal difficult development concern that harmful chemicals
• Improper operation no end to the
• new challenges
-effective utilization of waste final disposal at end
-utilization of unused energy during waste processing
-supporter of sustainable development in environment-related industries promotion

-recycling facilities should establish a lead-

• handling difficult waste containing hazardous substances, appropriate treatment and recycling facilities
• recycling facilities for construction waste, 'that is sent for final disposal amount and ratio high waste'
• Recycling facilities, such as packaging waste and food waste as resource waste utility is more effective use should be promoted said

-creativity and pioneer-

selected should establish a lead recycling facility business plan business positioned in the Osaka eco area plan (3/2003 draw up) of the business undertaking concrete measures are now underway.

• New systems and technologies utilizing unused land in the coastal area of the recycling facility location
• Location of hazardous industrial waste discharged from the small business recycling facility
• recycling facilities to contribute to global warming
• restoration efforts with the waste final disposal abandoned play as a model area circulation type society formation of

結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

- Significance and background of the plan development - in order to aim the formation of a model national of a recycling-oriented society in the Osaka metropolitan area, to reduce the activation of Osaka industry through the promotion of environment-related industries, and introduce new technologies and systems development of recycling facilities that are important. - Regions - characteristics and challenges recycling rate is lower compared to the waste / national level that occurs • large amounts of environmental pollution caused by hazardous chemical substances that are maintenance / concern of waste treatment facilities, etc. difficult • improper processing unending • After • new challenges effective utilization of waste final disposal site the site to welcome-end utilization of unused energy generated and waste processing during the promotion of environment-related industries is the bearer of recycling-oriented society - to be improvement in leading - recycling facilities proper disposal and recycling facilities of equal treatment difficult wastes containing • hazardous materials recycling facility intended for the "waste amounts and ratios are final disposal is high" and • construction waste • containers and packaging waste recycling facilities intended for the "waste should promote effective use and further there is a usefulness as a resource" such as food and waste - originality, pioneer - and is positioned to (March established 2003) Osaka Eco-area concept Among the business was, selected as the "recycling facilities to be improvement in leading" the business plan specific initiatives have been in progress for implementation of the project currently. • location of recycling facilities which introduced new technologies and systems that utilize idle land of the coastal location of recycling facilities of hazardous industrial waste discharged from • SMEs location of recycling facilities also contribute to • Global Warming • cooperation with the efforts of natural regeneration, play as a model district of a recycling-oriented society form a final waste disposal sites the site

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Aim to form a -

too Osaka significance of circulation type society background and model of the national plan for the implementation of Osaka industry through development of the environmental industry, new technology, and introduced the system is important for the improvement of recycling facilities. The waste generated in large quantities -

• stress

- regional characteristics and problems in comparison with the national level is difficult to
• low recycling rate of waste treatment facility improvement such as environmental pollution with hazardous chemicals.And there is no end to the improper treatment
• new problems at the end to receive the waste final disposal site of the effective utilization of waste treatment and utilization of unutilized energy generated at the circulation type society formation of environmental industry development is too

- leading to improvement in recycling -

• facilities including toxic substances such as pretreatment of waste disposal and recycling of construction waste
• facilities such as the final disposal quantity and the ratio is higher at the waste and recycling facilities.Originality and the progressive stress

- recycling facilities and -

Osaka area ecological concept of waste containers and packaging and waste and food waste as resources are effectively utilized to further promote (March 2003 on the positioning of the business in the present embodiment specific business activities promoted the project "advanced facilities for recycling. Recycling facilities are introduced. The new technology and the new system by utilizing the idle land area of

•Due to the efforts of
• natural regeneration of recycling facilities, and it also contributes to the location of the earth
• recycling facilities of hazardous industrial waste discharged from global warming and small and medium-sized enterprises, too. As a model district of circulation type society formation of waste landfill site
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