お辞儀の起源は、相手に自分は敵ではない、という意を表すものといわれています。もっといえば、相手を前に武器を構えず、頭をみせる行為は、命を差し翻訳 - お辞儀の起源は、相手に自分は敵ではない、という意を表すものといわれています。もっといえば、相手を前に武器を構えず、頭をみせる行為は、命を差し英語言う方法







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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Origin of the bow to your opponent is said to represent that their enemy is not the. More speaking, opponents before the weapon one pleases without restraint, the head is likely indicate that life presents.There are ways to bow to shake Westerners are also involved. However, it is boldly would show the back of the head is a representation from the humility of the Japanese. By lowering the head and show respect to a series of moves that Japanese expresses femininity.Is the Act of just head down the bow has several types. Is a bow, salute, bow.Nod Hello bows and salutes greets from 畏matta, the bow bow 畏matta most is, and the bow is used for the transport of royalty, etc.. It is important that any bow or nicely beautifully I.That the points show the beautiful listen straight back, head up from the waist. Bow will start at the waist.In addition, asserts to the end when it says something according to the bow from bowing.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Origin of the bow is, his opponent is not an enemy, it is said to represent the meaning of. Speaking more, is not holding a weapon in front of the opponent, acts show the head, seems to indicate that it hold out the life. Also to Westerners, there is a way to replace the bow that the handshake. However, operation of bold also would show the back of the head, I can say that representation method that has come from the humility of the Japanese. By lowering the head, a series of movements that show respect to the other party, represents the Japanese-ness. Just is the act of lowering the head, but there are several types of bow. Bow, salute, it is a profound bow. Nod of about greeting bow, salute to those Kashikoma~tsu than nod, profound bow are the most in the Kashikoma~tsu was bow, bow to be used even when the pick-up of the royal family, and the like. In any bow, it is important to show neatly beautifully. Beautifully show point, be tilted back from the waist, up to head in a straight line. Bow, you must start from the waist. Also, when you say something words to match the bow, let's bow and from Iiki~tsu to the last.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The origin of the bow, is not your enemy, it is said that represents the thumbs up. Rather, the weapons of his place before the act is likely to head to show out.Some people in the west, there is a way to make a bow and shake hands. However, the operation that resulted in the back of the head, and the method is expressed from the Japanese modesty. By lowering head, a series of showing respect to represent a kind of Japanese.That is just the act to lower the head, there are several kinds of bow. A respectful bow, bow salute.Bow bow, compliments of the 畏まっ salute by a deep bow bow, which is the most 畏まっ bow, the bow is used at the time of the transfer, etc. of the imperial family. What bow, it is important how neat and beautiful.The point from the waist, back, and I will listen to the head in a straight line. He always begins from the hip.In addition, if some words in accordance with the bow, いいきっ from bow to the end.
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