株式会社渡会電気土木が作成し、ベンダーへ配布される書類は、2.2.1.(3)項に従い、書類番号が取られ、書類管理者により管理台帳に登録される翻訳 - 株式会社渡会電気土木が作成し、ベンダーへ配布される書類は、2.2.1.(3)項に従い、書類番号が取られ、書類管理者により管理台帳に登録される英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Documents watarai electric construction co., Ltd., and will be distributed to the vendor's 2.2.1.(3) pursuant to the document numbers are taken, documents administrator registers the ledger. Used to identify management record copy is sent to each group document management personnel at a frequency of once a month, or use the latest version of documents.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Watarai electrical engineering to create Co., documents that are distributed to vendors, in accordance with 2.2.1. (3) of this section, the document number is taken, is registered in the management ledger by the document administrator. Copy of management ledger is sent at a frequency of once a month to document management personnel of each group, I used to either confirm are using the documents of the latest version.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Watarai Electrical Construction Co., Ltd is created and distributed to the vendor documents, in accordance with its 2.2.1 (3), so that the document number, document management, book management table is registered. The book of the copy management table, each group of documents management person in charge at the frequency of once a month, is using the latest version of the document.
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