みなさん、こんにちは、僕の名前を小島尚紀です。今日はグルジア共和国について簡単に説明していきたいと思います。まず始めに、991万9945人も翻訳 - みなさん、こんにちは、僕の名前を小島尚紀です。今日はグルジア共和国について簡単に説明していきたいと思います。まず始めに、991万9945人も英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Hi, my name Kojima Hisashi Quaternary is the. I think today is about the Republic of Georgia easily want to cover. First of all, 9919945 people lives in Georgia, of approximately 1158000 people live in the capital Tbilisi. Georgia men's average age is 70-year-old woman is about 79-year-old. Bad along with the one closest to Georgia Georgia unfortunately countries Russia, until the war has caused. But Turkey and friends better things to each other relies on imports for or and or. Georgia has many resources, including oil and stone excavated. Georgia people felt good every day, is characterized by greet me with a laugh.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Hello, everyone, it is Naoki Kojima my name. Today I want to briefly describes the Republic of Georgia. First of all, I live in Georgia of people 9,919,945 people, about 1,150,008 thousand of whom live in Tbilisi, the capital. The average age of Georgian men about 70 years old, women are about 79 years old. In addition, Georgia has poor one in Russia and relationship of the nearest country from Georgia unfortunately, also caused up to war. But, such as Turkey have been or committed or imported to each other the relationship is good stuff. Georgia resources are many, such as oil and stones will also be excavated. Daily Georgia of people, it seems characterized by to greet with a laugh comfortably.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Hello everyone, my name is Takanori Kojima. Today I want to explain in the Republic of Georgia. First, the citizen 991 million people live in Georgia, thousands of them about 115 million live in the capital Tbilisi. The average age of Georgian man of about 70 years old, about 79 years old woman. In addition, unfortunately Georgia Georgia terms with one of the closest country, Russia has caused by the war. However, theTerms with each other as well as products imported or. Georgia has many resources, such as oil or excavated stone. The Georgian people every day, it features a greeting smile pleasantly.
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